CARMICHAEL. FORD Mustang CAR model MARIA who was living at “691” Bridgeway at the time. CHA is Korean for CAR and TEA. Korean Words is Wheel of KARMA, like the RUBBER Toy in MY VAGINA in the dubbed Video Recording. RAPING of my LIFE for many years for this deeply disturbed Psychobitch Connie Maria Pecoraro.
Charlies Q Jakob. “CJ” Carl Jung, Jesus Christ. Q is for Upper most Left letter of the computer keys, the reason why Connie Pecoraro created her “Isn’t That Life?” Q is for ?. A Dead and AbanDONed Mark.
I was looking for a lawyer because I was having “stalking” problems with Cars and People following me all the time wherever I went which is connected to this “THING” and it was connected to Brett Bern in NYC terrorizing my life because he is a loser who can’t seem to handle rejection and it was him trying to make my life miserable.
When I placed an ad on Craigslist looking for a Lawyer, I did not know anything about this “Name, Word, Number” Game, or who Connie Pecoraro was. This person answered my ad because of his NAME and his ADDRESS to have meaning for Connie Pecoraro and HER ARTWORK. It’s why he says something about “Stick Figures” which was about her “No Name Girl” sketches. I had already created and Designed my Website but NEVER said anything to him about my “ARTWORK”. Through his Name and Addresses, and by having had CONTACT with me, and writing that Brett Alan Bern is MARRIED to a graduate of MONTCL”AIR” University in New Jersey was about CREATING meaning for CATHOLIC THEME of Mother Mary MARIA and HER SON CHARLIE, Josh MicCHA Wolf, because everything about these two FITS BRETT ALAN BERN PERFECTLY, HIS BIRTHDAY NUMBERS of 4/29/63.
CORNELL Graduate. I had met Daniel JOSEPH McClure who went to CORNELL in 2002. I didn’t know it back then, but it’s connected to UCLA, and “CHARLES E Young” Drive and CHARLES MCCLURE Stage and KORN CONvocation Hall at John AnderSON Business Management School. The same reason why in 2007, after I moved to Los Angeles, VictoRIA ROWE at 1224 S. CORNing st address was set up, across the street from Catholic MARY Magdalene School, so that through MY LIFE, and MY SEXUAL Experiences, Connie MARIA Pecoraro and her CATHOLIC Theme of Mother Mary and Jesus Christ “CHARLIE’s Find’ can have meaning for her and Josh MICCHARLIE WOLF and their Linda Goodman 212 Vibe Numbers. Dan McClure’s birthday is “12/2”.
This was during the time I was making all my Police Reports at TIBURON POLICE Dept when I lived there from 2002 to 2004.
If Lawyers Names are SET UP, like JUDGES Names have been set up, how do I file a LAWSUIT as big as this, a lot of it which may be considered “CRIMINAL EVIDENCE”, involving SEPTEMBER “9/11”, connected to the Color “GREEN”.
This is a REPEATING ABUSING RAPING PATTERN of MY LIFE through the name “CHARLES”. It’s about my CHARLIE BROWN SNOOPY DOG BANK, and MONEY. The reason why it’s connected to the DOG PARK where Josh Wolf walks his dog.
I don’t do sketched of little girls or for little girls. My Artwork is MY SOUL ARTWORK manifested, well balanced of Feminine and “MAS” culine MAN ART Energy.
“CHARLIE’S FIND”, Josh MicCHA Wolf’s SON’s name is “JACOB”. Connie MARIA Pecoraro’s CATHOLIC THEME of MOTHER Mary and Jesus Christ. If Jacob the SON is the SON, and he is a 12 yr old, why would a boy be thinking of THROBBING RED DICK for “OO” ASS. Confused Delusional “ANOMIE” perfect Definition of her Catholic Theme. “Charlie’s Find” Josh Mic”CHA”rlie Wolf who likes to F u C k “FC” Doggy Style in Big “OO” Asses backwards, is about T”OM”ing with Jacob’s THAI MOTHER’s IDENTITY with Connie MARIA Pecoraro, the reason why TARA and QUINTARA address in the Sunset San Francisco of Tom Bridges birthday numbers was Set up.
REPEATED HOUSING TERROR so these people can have meaning THROUGH MY LIFE and the ADDRESS Numbers of where I lived.
THO”MAS” CHRISTopher BRIDges, 9240, 3AR Sound, Cellu LITE BULB. LT. Libra IE, OO Eye Taurus BUL BLUBBER 3AR SHA SHA SHA pi RO JOO shaped ASS. Sound of “symbol” symBOWEL = WOLf BErn.
Initially when I started creating these “What’s the Connection” pages, I didn’t have all the FACTS. Me placing an AD to find a Lawyer to SUE BRETT BERN was nothing compared to what I have discovered since moving to Los Angeles in October 2006. I thought it was Brett Bern having 3rd party contacts STALK and follow me, but it’s connected to CONNIE PECORARO and her sick “CHARLIE’S FIND” Jesus CHRIST. Hor Dick JOSH WOLF and his SON JACOB, the reason for YEARS of RAPING of MY LIFE. RAPING and ROBBING from me, so that PSYCHO ACTRESS SANDRA OH can be MY IDENTITY, AS IF she was the Artist who did my FAC from 1982.
His name is about “CREATING” Meaning THROUGH having had contact with me. It’s connected to Connie Pecoraro and her Dead and Abandoned Mark of “ISN’T That Life?” with a “Q”uestion. Him contacting me with CORNELL university email is about the CORN connections.
I documented the STALKING of CARS and PEOPLE at TIBURON POLICE from 2002-2006, right up until I moved to Los Angeles, then it BECAME THE POLICE in Los Angeles who have RAPED MY LIFE through FRAUD DOCUMENTS and LIES.