CHA in Korean means CAR and TEA They've linked this Korean word, with Spanish word CHO CHA means PUSSY, CP, connected to Catholic Theme Oil Art of Jesus CHRIST “CHA”Rlies Find by “CP”, Constance Maria Pecoraro.
CHA pel, to have meaning in the word C”HO” CHA, the reason why directly outside in front of the Plaza Lobby “PL” is a sculpture artwork that looks like Pussy Lips.
CHO is connected to MY FATHER’S Music Band picture from the 50’s “MORNING STARS” with the name CHO YONG on the Upper Left, “CY”, the reason why SANDRA OH was in “CHO”sun Korean newspaper, the reason why she is “CY” CRISTina Yang on “Grey’s Anatomy” that was created in 2005. CHOi YONG, CHO”CHA” CHRISTina YANG, Yang Yong, the “AO”, of ch”O”ch”A”, in the T”AO” of TORAH, of MATHemathics of making Money through their “PY”ous je”SUS” CHARLIES FIND, Josh MIC”CHA' WOLF.
It's the DEGRADING of Meaning of MY Name SIGNature on my ART, meaning of My Parents Names, deduced down to SICK FUCKING “BODY PART ANATOMY” WORDS of the NE”GROIN” AREA connected to DERANGED SICK CHICAGO ILLINOISE NIGGERS.
LOUIS FACTOR, Factor, like a VARiable in MATHmathics of making Money in are you “PI”ous and horny for Hor Dick JESUS CHRIST JOSH MIC”CHA” WOLF, Constance Maria Pecoraro’s Jesus Christ Artwork, to have meaning in MY FATHER’S IDENTITY as a MUSICIAN Blowing “HORNS” because he is a “AIR” Libra, the reason why Sandra Oh is “CRIST”ina Yang. MORNING is “AM”, what’s missing? AIR, for MICCHA and MA”RIA” to have meaning in MY Parents Names and for MY IDENTITY to BE SANDRA OH through Thomas CHRISTopher Bridges who has the SAME Birthday as me, the reason why the numbers of “8/13” is everywhere in this Hospital. CATHO “LICK” MAThemathics of making Money for HERN”DON” Virginia, AS IF Sandra OH was MY IDENTITY, through Constance Pecoraro’s Artwork and Website Registration. DON in Korean means Money.
All of the above and below, the reason why MY TOYOTA RAV4L was “STOLEN” through Fraud Documents created by TOYOTA FINANCIAL, and the reason why over 250 pieces of my Artwork was STOLEN in 2009, along with my Dog JACK. All for DELUSIONAL very disturbed sick actress SANDRA OH who thinks she is MY IDENTITY and she Drew all my Drawing.
LOUIS “FACTOR”, don’t forget to FACTOR in the “VAR”iables in MAThemathics of making MONEY.
The meaning of all this I am writing in CATHOLIC MAThemathics of making Money based on meaning of MY First Name SIGNature, MY FAC and Writings from 1982 is REAL, it’s why Gwyneth Paltrow was in the movie “PROOF”.
CE, when you SEA through the Eyes of JESUS CHRIST “CHA”Rlies Find art by Constance Maria Pecoraro, all you see is PUSS”EE” and ASS FORM “OO” built through RINGS around CHARLIES EYES OO.
SEE D “AR”S SIGN EYE “HO”spital is about SAND”RA” “OH” who wants my first name of SANDY and my KOREAN name of “SIN” won WANG to BE HER and have meaning for her. They’ve been building this through “HOS”pitals for 3 decades, the reason why Sandra Oh is a Dr “CRIST”ina Yang on “Gre Y’S anatomy”. Her entire ACTING CAREER is about and based on MY IDENTITY and ARTWORK to be and have been DONE by her. The same reason why this sick bitch thinks she IS MY Childhood pictures of me wearing Red SHOes, because it has the letters of her name in it. It’s about the 3AR sound of words.
My Korean name SOUNDS like WASHINGTON. The reason why Sandra Oh’s TV Show “Grey’s Anatomy” is set in Seattle GRACE HOSPital in WASHINGTON Upper Left state, connected to GRACE Navas and GRACIE Allen at Cedars SIN ai Hospital.
Through Connie Pecoraro’s “No Name Girl” and her Dead and Abandoned Mark of ISN t that life, and through her No name girl Sketches, SANDRA OH wants MY CHILDHOOD PICTURES to BE HER. ISN, SIN, is about the meaning of My Korean Name of SIN WON and the meaning of Carl Jung who coined the term SYNchronicity. This HOSPital is built for MY IDENTITY to BE SANDRA OH, through other people’s names. TO CONFUSE IDENTITIES. TWO SICK BITCHES PecorarO and Oh in HER SHE CHOCHA Dan BROWN PUSSY LICKING Gaym.
San “DY” Wang and STEPHEN Garrison were together for 5.5 years in the 80’s, from 1986-1991. The reason why Stephen Gary GARRISON is important is because of the movie “BEN” with Lee Harcourt Montgomery as “Danny GARRISON”. I did my Artwork in 1982 of BENSON DuBOis because of this movie and I wrote Writings about Lee Montgomery “KEY to my Soul”.
Just like BEVERLY HILLS LIBRARY, and many of the Businesses on RODEO Drive in Beverly Hills, through Other People’s Names, Business Names and Street Names, SANDRA PATRICIA OH, wants MY IDENTITY TO BE HER. They’ve been building this for almost 3 decades in Los Angeles, AS IF Sandra OH drew the drawings and EVERYTHING about me IS HER, especially anything SEXUAL about me.
It’s about my “CHA”rlie Brown Clear Glass Snoopy Dog BANk I had for many years. This is why Connie Pecoraro with her CATHOLIC Church theme of OIL paintings titled her Jesus CHRIST “CHARLIES” Find”, and the reason why Sandra OH is Chinese Doctor “CRIST”ina Yang on “Grey’s Anatomy”.
STEPHEN Garrison is my first boyfriends name. SAM is my oldest brother’s name. SAM is about the childhood CHRIST “MAS” picture of me which is what Connie Pecoraro’s Jesus CHRIST is based on and the reason why it’s on PAGE “3”, SAM in Korean means Three.
Broi”DY” and Bris”KIN” is about MY FIRST NAME of SANDY, which is the “NIK” name of SANDRA, and they want My name to have meaning for SANDRA OH, because of my Name SIGNature on the drawing of BENSON DUBOIS form 1982. Through a lying fag name TOM BRIDGES who has the same birthday as me, they want MY SIGN of LEO to have meaning for Sandra Oh, a sick fucking Cancerous Psychobitch. 3AR Sound of “SEE DARS “SIGN” EYE HOSpital”, they’ve been building for MY IDENTITY and MY Artwork to have been DONE by and to be this sick delusional actress since the 80’s, because like the word SHOes, HOSpital has the letters of her name in it.
ROBERT SPENCER is about my drawing of ROBERT Guillaume of BENSON a 80’s TV Show. My drawing is the reason why Sandra Oh went to SIR ROBERT Borden High School. SPENCER is about the EXIT next to Alexander Ave and BRIDGEWAY in Sausalito where Connie Pecoraro Virgo the MAIDEN lives, it is also Princess Diana’s MAI”DEN” Name.
ERNest Friedman is about the EAR sound of words, and Tom Bridges his LEO sign with Connie Pecoraro’s OIL artwork “backwards”. FRY in OIL. MAN is about Sandra OH’s Mother’s name of YOUNG NAM, and because Mother is MOM and Mom in Korean means BODY, and because YOUNG sounds like JUNG as in CARL JUNG, and JUNG DUNG in Korean means ASS, they want Sandra Oh’s ASS to have meaning in MY NAME SIGNature of First name on BENSON with an “ASS”terisk.
Joseph MITCHELL is about STEPHEN MITCHELL, who translated Lao Tzu’s TAO TE CHING. His translation of the Tao Te Ching is one of my favorite and they know this because they’ve been secretly SPYING on me for many years with hidden cameras in apts I’ve lived in, another writer name THOMAS CL”EAR”Y translated the Tao Te Ching also. It’s one of the reasons why TOM CRUISE of “SIGN”tology was Pete MITCHELL in “TOP Gun”.
Irving FEIN”TECH” is about the college where I went to in Brooklyn and graduated in 1990, where I studied DENtal Hygiene. 300 Jay Street, NYC “TECH” College. They love the numbers “300” because it’s the SAME numbers on my Childhood CHRISTMAS picture of the Tree Trimmings. It’s about the word “THREE” and “TH” TONGUE sound words. TREE, what’s missing “H”, which is the 8th letter of the alphabet and written horizontally is “OO”. The reason why Connie Pecoraro’s Jesus Christ has “OO” eyes and is on Page “3”.
This school is also important because this school in BROOKLYN is in a mostly BLACK neighborhood and except for the DENTAL HYgiene Dept, the students at this school are mostly black. BLACK BEVERLY ANGELA DAVIS went to this school and it’s connected to TOM BRIDGES Beverly Davis with BEVERLY Hills so that THE PICTURE of me and the black girl can be SANDRA OH.
ROBERT SILVERstein is about my drawing of ROBERT Guillaume and about SILVER which is the Metal of CANCER, Sandra Oh and Tom Cruise are both CANCERS born in the month of JULY. My Father was a Cancer born in the month of June.
BAR bara “BEN”tely is about the movie “BEN” which is the reason why I drew Robert Guillaume from BENSON, and “BAR” is about the childhood picture of me and my Father with the Hawaiian BAR rel.
J”OH”N C LAW is about CANCER the CRAB that has CLAWS. EAR sound of CLAUS as in MY Childhood picture with me sitting at the DESK with SANTA CLAUS PENCILS. My FAC from 1982 is mostly all PENCIL drawings.
2008 MARK SIEGEL is about MY Registered Trade”MARK” which completed it’s process in 2007. SIEGEL is about the 3AR sound of EAGLE as in it’s a BIRD, and Tom BIRD GES the Eagles song “Hotel Californai” HC, connected to Lee Montgomery’s middle name HAR COURT. The theme with LYRICS of this Song has been going on for many years. “MISSION BELL” is one of the many reasons why Tom Cruise has been doing his “MISSION Impossible” movies. They want the lyrics SHE SHOWED ME THE “WAY” in this song, to be about Sandra Oh and Tom Bridges the TAO “TE” CHING is the “WAY” through her TV “SHOW”, for MY ARTWORK and IDENTITY to BE HER through her TV Show. THE REASON WHY MY LIFE HAS BEEN SABOTAGED AND REPEATEDLY ROBBED AND RAPED BY SICK PEOPLE IN LOS ANGELES WHO SUPPORT THIS PSYCHOBITCH ACTRESS AS MY IDENTITY.
NAMES of people who have DONated their Money, for SANDRA OH is MY IDENTITY through “Their” Support and Money, in MAThemathics of making Money.
Theo”DOR”e CUMMINGS is connected to TODD CUMMINGS of 20360 Callon Drive TOPanga, the reason why Tom Cruise made “TOP Gun” in the 80’s. Todd Cummings of Topanga Canyon is related to Tom Cruise as in “FAMILY”. It’s the names on the “MAP “O” T HER. O sounds like OH and T is for TAO in “HER SHE” Pussy LIQing Gaym that’s been going on for many years with PECORARO and OH.
It’s about the name ED MUND on the UPPER LEFT of Map of Topanga Canyon. “MUN” in Korean mean “DOOR”. Since they’ve been creating this for 3 decades, MY ARTWORK and TITLES of MY Artwork and Photography just happen to “FIT” what they were building. It’s MY Ability to “Channel ENERGY”, something I was born with and cannot control. IT’S WHY ALL MY ARTWORK OVER 250 PIECES WERE STOLEN IN 2009, IT’S WHY MY LAPTOP WAS HACKED INTO BY A SICK BITCH LIQING SANDRA OH’S PUSSY IN 2010.
STU”ART” MARY LANDER is about “ART”, the reason why a sick fucking asshole name STUART BROWNE was PIMPED in my life, connected to a BLACK BITCH DENtist name Y. Danielle Marquis on STUART Street in San Francisco. It’s about DAN BROWNE DA Vinci Code of Mother MARY and Jesus CHRIST. LAND is the EARTH for Connie Maria Pecoraro EARTH Sign of Virgo connected to where I met JOSH WOLF at a DOG Park on Mul HOL “LAND” Drive. If it’s about “OO” ASS and it’s mul “HOL”land, it must be ASS HOLE.
BEN WINTER is about the movie BEN and my drawing of BENSON DUBOIS, to have meaning for them through Jesus Christ the “SON” and WINTER is about a Animal “HO”spital on FOOTHILL DRIVE with the name Dr. WINTERS, across the street from Mercedes BENz Car Dealership and their Service Center.
LOUIS FACTOR, the reason why the PUB “LICK” Defender from April 2009 when I was SET UP in PREMEDITATED ARREST on specific Date, from Beverly Hills Court was name LOUIS SHAPIRO. These JEWS area CROOKS, in RAPING MY LIFE, for Psycho Delusional Actress SANDRA OH is MY IDENTITY and DREW my Drawings, for making MONEY.
August 2014 Discovery of EDWARD LOUIS SEVERSON, who is Eddie Vedder of music band PEARL JAM, RHIMES with HAM and PAM. The RAPING OF MY LIFE in Exact “TEN” Years is DIRECTLY connected to this GROUP CONSPIRACY of MATHemathics of making Money through RAPING of MY LIFE and MY ART, as if Sandra OH is my Identity and Artist of my Art, while they TERRORIZE, and SABOTAGE MY LIFE through PREMEDITATED ORGANIZED C”RIMES” connected to Deranged CHICAGO ILLI”NOISE” SICK RAPING NIGGER RHIMES with VEDDER.
Eddie Vedder and Jack Jill “KRISTEN” McKORMick in Seattle WASHINGTON
SANDRA OH and Exact “TEN” years in Raping Robbing of MY LIFE and ART and then CELEBRATING and Creating meaning of “Conspiracy of TWO” = LIFE IN PRISON maybe Death Penalty
Eddie Vedder in Seattle WASHINGTON, aka the EVER”GREEEN” State, is connected to ALL “NEEGROS” in WASHINGTON DC as in WHITE HOUSE.
The 112 and 113 CONGRESS in SESSION and meaning of “DENT”AL SCHOOL and Sandy Wang's DENTAL HY giene H”EAR”ing