Cedars Sinai TOP 8th floor signs


Korean WANG and KING Korean ROY alty meaning
Sandy Wang’s pictures at ROY al GOR ge BRIDGE in 1998 COLOR ado
Sandy Wang’s FAC from 1982 and First Name SIGNature is a “TRADE SECRET”
Sandy Wang’s Registered Trade MARK

Judge ROY CHERNUS in 2006
Tom Crui SE has a Home in COLOR ado
meaning of COLOR and SE KAL


8/13, what’s left? 5

Sandy Wang’s Baby picture with Tongue and “O” and MY Father in “GRAY” Sweater
Sandy Wang’s LEO Birthday of 8/13

O in Korean is Number 5, sound of “OH” and GRAYSONS connections in 1999
GRAYS Anatomy First episode aired in March 2005


Sandy Wang’s childhood picture with White and Red shirt “14”


O is ladies bathroom. TRI angle is “A” is men’s bathroom. T”AO”. EAR sound of DAO, Dow Jones. In Thomas CHRISTopher Bridges who has the same birthday as me of LEO the LION 8/13, with Sandra OH as Doctor CRISTina Yang on “Grey’s Anatomy” connected to Connie Pecoraro’s Catholic Theme of Jesus CHRIST, the VEHICLES to ROB MY IDENTITY, AS IF Sandra OH was all my baby and childhood pictures, AS IF she DREW my drawings from 1982. AS IF She is my SIGN of LEO, MY Name SIGNature of “Sandy” with “OO” on the drawing of Robert Guillaume from 1981, which she has been claiming for 3 decades she “DREW”. Past Tense.

5 number in Korean is “O”, sound of Sandra “OH” who thinks all the circles of “O” from MY LIFE, in pictures of me, in MY ARTWORK has meaning for her, AS IF She is MY IDENTITY in MY PICTURES.

STUDY STUDI “O”, SANDRA OH PEPSI PUSSY 1999 and “GRAYSONS” Connections, long before the first episode of “GREY’S Anatomy” aired on tv in March 2005.

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