This is a BRIDGE Overpass built over the wide street of AVENUE of the STARS. They BUILT it Specifically for TOM “BRIDGES”, who has the same birthday as me of 8/13 LEO. There isn’t any FUNCTIONAL reason for this bridge at this location, people can walk across the street at the stoplight.
It’s the SAME with many De “SIGNS” of Architecture in buildings in Los Angeles, for Tom “BRIDGES” who has the same birthday as me of LEO 8/13, bridges my SIGN and My Name SIGNature with Psycho Constance Maria Pecoraro on BRIDGE “WAY” Sausalito, for TAO DAO DOW Jones of making Money, all supporting SANDRA OH is MY IDENTITY and she DREW my drawings from 1981 and 1982.
The TWO building across from each other are about TOM BRIDGES My Mother’s name with CONNIE MARIA PECORARO 9/1/69, My Father’s name with JOSH MICCHA WOLF 10/19/69 , and MY IDENTITY with SANDRA OH 7/20/71. ITALIAN Connie Pecoraro and JEWISH Josh Wolf were TWO Years old babies when they had Sandra Oh and KOREAN Sandra Oh looks a lot like them, don’t you think? PSYCHOTIC DELUSIONALS.
The numbers 9/1 and 10/19, PECORARO and WOLF’S birthday numbers are Repeating Numbers. 9 in Korean is GU, the number 1 in Korean is IL, and THROUGH Connie Pecoraro’s Catholic Theme and her MOTHER MARIA Birthday, SANDRA OH thinks she DREW my drawing of ROBERT GU ILLAUME PENCIL Drawing from 1982. GU IL “T” LIARS.
I didn’t do any Artwork for about 20 years, and I started drawing again in 2002 and doing WATERcolor Artwork for the first time. In 2004 I designed and created my Website. Since then, they’ve been slowly creating meaning for MY ARTWORK to have meaning for THEIR TOM BRIDGES CATHOLIC Theme of OIL and GLASS Artwork by Connie Pecoraro. THIS ENTIRE AREA IS BUILT BASED ON MY ABSTRACT PAGE, TO HAVE MEANING FOR THEM, AS IF SANDRA OH WAS MY IDENTITY AND SHE IS ARTIST OF MY ARTWORK.
1900 is the address number on one side of the Bridge and the other address across the street is 1901. 10/19 is JOSH MICCHA WOLF’s Birthday numbers, 9/1 is CONNIE MARIA PECORARO’S Birthday numbers. What’s Left? “OO” for Jesus CHRIST Eyes in their Catholic MAThemathics of are you “PI”ous and horny to make Money. PI symbol in Mathemathics looks like the letters “TT”, with OO + TT = TO TO, which is what MY Name WANG looks like in Korean Characters. The OO is about my First name SIGNature on the drawing I did of ROBERT GUILLAUME of BENSON DUBOIS in 1982 the “BUTLER to the Governor”. Connie Pecoraro and Sandra Oh both want MY ARTWORK to have been DONE by them. With SANDRA OH, it’s about MY IDENTITY and EVERYTHING about MY LIFE to be this sick delusional Psycho Actress.
I did a sketch on a Yellow Legal Pad in 1997, and in 2006 I created my Abstract page. They’ve been building on THIS ONE SKETCH Drawing I DID IN 1997 in CALIFORNIA since I did it. I started drawing again in 2002 after about 20 years of not doing any artwork, and also started doing WATERColor Artwork for the first time in 2003. In 2004, I designed and created my Website and it has stayed exactly the same as it is today in 2011. I created my ABSTRACT Page in 2006 and decided to transform the legal pad sketch I did in 1997 into a Watercolor Painting which I titled “LIGHT”.
I moved to Los Angeles in October 2006, because things were getting WEIRD in MARIN County where I was living, a suburb of San Francisco where I lived for almost 7 years.
The TOP painting on my Abstract page with the Connected buildings and the “O” with Triangle in the “7”th SPACE is why they BUILT the NEW CREATIVE ARTIST AGENCY Building a block down from this BRIDGE. Tom Cruise and many big stars are clients of this Agency. They moved into this new building WHILE I was WRONGFULLY Detained in LA County Jail in Summer of 2009, when I had over 250 pieces of my Artwork neatly stacked in Two Black portfolio’s STOLEN along with my Toyota SUV and my dog JACK. The year before, Tom Cruise’s agent at this agency name RICK NICITA left the company.
There is a LADDER in this Top Painting in the White and Red building. Ladder sounds like LATTER connected to LATTER Day Saints “CHURCH” of the Mormons. Josh Wolf is a regular on CHelSEA Handler show, and she was raised by a Mormon Parent. ChelSEA is the OCEAN of Mother MARY Statue on Ocean Avenue. DT DT, is about the word D “O” T D “O” T. T”OO” for Horney Jesus Christ Eyes, for meaning of MY Name SIGNature on drawing of Robert Guillaume in 1982, for meaning of “TO TO” my Name of WANG written in Korean Characters to BE and have meaning for SANDRA OH, through Jesus CHRIST “OO” and PI symbol of “TT”.
Josh Wolf’s birthday numbers is 10/19, Connie Pecoraro’s birthday numbers is 9/1 “Labor Day weekend”, Labor, like a MOTHER gives birth, month of SEP tember, connected to Sandra Oh on “Grey’s Anatomy” which is filmed in SEPULVEDA VA Hospital in Los Angeles. These NUMBERS are Repeating Numbers connected to NUMBERS on the Fraud Documents created by TOYOTA FINANCIAL in 2009, their sick excuse to “Repossess” my SUV when it was fully paid for. It was a Leased Car and I had the opportunity to purchase the car after making payments for 5 years.
9/1, the “19”th image of my Watercolors page is the LION Painting. This painting of a Lion’s Body is the same color as my dog JACK. They want MY ARTWORK, MY Pictures, MY DOG JACK to have meaning for them, because of the number “19”. This is connected to MY PICTURE taken on the TREE at 20360 “TOPA”NGA in 5/07, and SANDRA OH wants this picture of me TO BE HER. This number is important because of the meaning of Korean Words “GU” and “IL” which means the numbers 9 and 1, and because it’s the numbers in WOLF and PECORARO’S Birthdates, they’ve been building as if MY PENCIL DRAWING of Black male actor ROBERT GUIL Laume has meaning for them, AS IF SANDRA OH or CONNIE PECORARO drew my drawings. T is for TAO, 3AR sound of GU IL “T”.
It’s Red and Yellow and if it’s “RY” the abbreviated form of word YEAR, and if it’s YEAR and 19, it MUST be YEAR of WANG 9 and MONTGOMERY 1.
All of the writings above were written in 2010 and 2011. There has been so much discovery since then. 2016, FINAL SUMMARY:
It's about CENT is a COPPER PENNY, a 'COIN', and it EAR sounds like SCENT, as in O'DOR' is CUMMING, FE..TD...US d.O.t of TOD CUMMINGS in TOP"anga, and GREEN 'POT', the color of MONEY, for 'NE'w 'GRO'wth in SCENT CENT, S....E...N...T...E...N.....C...I....N....G of C'RIMES' of IDENTITY THEFT, ART THEFT, TRADEMARK THEFT, LIFE THEFT, in GROUP CONSPIRACY involving the presi "DENT", connected to robbing MY IDENTITY from BIRTH TO PRESENT, for PSYCHO KOREAN ACTRESS SANDRA OH. capital punishment isn't enough.
This one paragraph is the summary of my entire "WHATS THE CONNECTION" pages. P.A. TREEEE SHA? SPO? LIFE IN PRISON ASAP. others will follow.