This is corner of BURTON Way and HAMEL Road in Beverly Hills. This is one block South of Cedars SINai Hospital, the Urology Tower part of the Hospital on Third Street. On this corner are the three apt buildings PEIRRE TOWER, PARK BURTON and BURTON Way.
Cedars SINai Hospital is BORDERED by SAN VICENTE Blvd, Beverly Blvd, ROBERTSON Blvd and THIRD Street. SAN VICENTE is connected my Catholic all girls high school ST. VINCENT FERRER, and they have built this Hospital and everything around this area based on my High School and for MY IDENTITY to BE SANDRA OH, AS IF she DREW my drawings from 1982. PAT’S TENSE, the reason why she’s with a Musician name ANDREW FEATHERSTON.
I graduated in 1987 and although I designed my own Prom Dress and had it made, I didn’t attend. It was held at the PIERRE HOTEL, 2 East 61st on Fifth Avenue next to Central PARK. PIERRE sounds like P”AIR” and PEAR. This is DIRECTLY CONNECTED to SWALL Drive a few blocks away from this and the Condo building PROMenade. See Link below.
Many of my Catholic High School classmates Names are connected to SANDRA OH is MY IDENTITY through Connie Maria Pecoraro’s CATHOLIC Theme Artwork based on MY childhood CHRISTMAS Picture and MY FAC and Writings from 1982. Connie Pecoraro’s Jesus CHRIST, connected to classmates CHRISTina Bernardo GRACE NAVAS and GLORIA CATHERINE LEE, the reason why Sandra Oh is CRISTina Yang on “Grey’s Anatomy”. These three classmates and I also went to the same Grammar School St. JOAN of ARC, in JACKSON Heights Queens NY, where I did my FAC in 1981 and 1982. The reason why they need THOMAS CHRISTopher Bridges because he has the SAME Birthday as me, and in the same profession of DEN tistry. DEN connections.
BUR is the metal used when a DENtist DRILLS into Teeth to fill CAVITIES. They’ve built and created the FIELD of DENtistry to have meaning for Sandra Oh who went to SIR ROBERT Bor “DEN” high school DREW my drawings and is MY IDENTITY, through Vir”GO” Mai”DEN” Connie Pecoraro on BRIDGEWAY with Tom BRIDGES the DENtist, and Connie Pecoraro’s DENtist name PATRICK HAMIL LEE. HAMEL Road. Hamel Hammer, Engrish with Accent is funny.
The “DEN” part of this word is about Sandra Oh who went to SIR Robert BorDEN high school, through Connie Pecoraro Vir”GO” Mai”DEN”, wants my Pencil Drawing of BLACK male actor ROBERT Guillaume BENSON DUBOIS to have been DONE by her. This is connected to BLACK male President Barack Obama who went to OCCI “DEN” TAL College. I’ve been writing that TOM CRUISE and SANDRA OH has both been secretly attached to my life for 3 decades.
FILLing Cavities is connected to their SEX Game of FILL a “Body Cavity” HOLE, and through ORAL as in MOUTH, they want Virgo MaiDEN Connie Pecoraro to have meaning in SUC Stand Up Comedian Josh Wolf, SUC like you Deep THROAT of the NEK, Tom Bridges all BIRDS like Chic”KEN”. Jesus CHRIST was a JEW, Tom CHRISTopher Bridges Two Jews BRETT BERN and JOSH WOLF 360 9420, CH=OO RIST isn’t my artwork.
BUR sounds like HuBBARD as in Scientology. BUR Sounds like BIRD, as in Tom BRIDges all BIRDs on BRIDgeway with Virgo Mai”DEN” Connie Maria Pecoraro. EAR sound of BUR “DEN”.
PIERRE sounds like PEAR and this is connected to meaning of MY Parents Names, MY Father’s Middle name of BAE which means PEAR and BOAT. PIER is where you DOCK B”OAT”S, or in the MARINA.
They’ve been building on EAR sound of words for many years, based on MY ARTWORK, MY First Name SIGNature and meaning of MY Parents Names.
PIERRE, “PI” AIR, Mathemathics of “PI” ice of the PY, connected to meaning of MY Name SIGNature and MY ARTWORK, connected to SCOR “PI” O Lee Harcourt Montgomery, the reason why I did my FAC and wrote my Writings in 1981 and 1982, long before High School.