BLUE, BLOO, BLEW, BLU. BULL. Light BULB CelluLIT3 BLUBB3R. WOLFramite Scheelite T”O”ngue, T”U”ngsten, OU, sound as in 3AR of SymBOWEL. OU symbowel of Taurus the Bull with HORNS. BLUE Eyes “Charlie’s Find”.

Blue is about the BLUE PILLOW in the childhood picture of me wearing a RIBBON after a day at the Zoo in Seoul Korea. It’s shaped like a big thick Penis. This is connected to the PIL you take in the movie MATRIX and RX is about PILs as in G”LO”RIA Lee pharmacist. It’s connected to my High School Yearbook quote “Bye Pil”, I think which is the reason why Gloria Lee became a Pharmacist. There is also a Pillow inside the empty space of The Picture of me and the black girl holding hands. PIL”LOW” “WOL”F.

BLUE, which sounds like BLOO is about BLOOD, as in a Hard Penis, gets engorged with RED BLOOD Cells.

BLOOMies, the “Gym Shorts” uniform at St. Vincent Ferrer Catholic High School. The reason why there is something going on with GYM’S in Los Angeles and all of US. Because the Penis, Vagina and Anus are all MUScles and you Work Out at the gym. The reason why this same “bloomies” shorts is in style in Fashion as of Spring 2010.

BLOOMingdale’s, Cumming, David RosenBLOOM and Brett BER”N”, Mike BLOOM “BER” “G”. Ber Byr Bur BIRD, because a dentist DRILLS with a Metal BUR, and makes HOLES in Teeth, and it’s about Filling Holes in Dry Cavities.

BLUE T”OO”TH, because it goes on the 3AR, and T”OM” Bridges the dentist works on TEETH.

“True BLUE” the name of a Porn Film and the Video Recording of me which was dubbed, which they want it to be Sandra Oh or Connie Pecoraro. The reason why Connie Pecoraro has a painting titled “City BLUE”.

“BLUE TECH”, Mercedes BENz SUV Car. I’m not sure when this car came out, before May 2007 or after.

Blue, as in Judy BLUme, SUC, Stand Up Comic, SUC and BLO Job, Wif”EY”. Eye. As in “Charlie’s Find” BLUE Eyes. “EY” as in Charles “E. Y”oung in UCLA.

BLUE, as in the “Blue HAIR” picture of me taken in 5/07, which they want it to have meaning for Connie Pecoraro’s middle name of MA”RIA” backwards, the reason why Josh Wolf has “Make it Happen” on his Myspace webpage, it’s a song title by MARIA H Car”EY”.

BLUE, as in Keep Ta”HO”e Blue, Tom Bridges my Lake Tahoe Artwork, and the word BOAT, through the BLUE BURON, with Sandra Oh in “NOR”thridge HOspital, because the TAO is the Way. 20”36”0 Callon Drive, so that the word BOAT and my Father’s name, my Artwork and Website “HO”me and “AR”tits Links on the Upper Left and the Slide”SHOW” on my Home page, aka the Video Recording of Rubber Toy “sliding” in and out, can have meaning for this Deeply Disturbed Psychotic Actress SANDRA OH. Tom Bridges “OM” with Gloria Lee “GL”, Gays and Lesbians in Sex Positions of “69” with Ma”RIA” who wants to have meaning in my H”AIR” portrait drawing “Going Backwards” with Sand”RA” “OH”. Tom CHRISTopher Bridges Connie Pecoraro’s oil painting of “Charlie’s Find” Jesus CHRIST. Not my Watercolor Artwork.

This is about the meaning of my father’s middle name BAE, which means BOAT and PEAR. He was a Cancer born in June, and Cancer Stone is PEARL, and Sandra Oh wants my father’s name to be about her PEAR shaped ass because she is a Cancer born in JULY as in J U Lie, Cancer rules Tits.

Tom Bridges Sandra Oh with 20”36”0 Callon Drive with 3ARth CF=“36” Taurus the Bull Brett Bern and his FATHer RON Bern, and perfect match with Sandra Oh “Going Backwards”. Lake, e Kal, Kal is Korean for Knife, as in to CUT. Sandra Oh’s Cut Ass with Implants. Cut, the name of a STEAK Restaurant owned by WOLFgang Puck in the Beverly HOtel on Wilshire Blvd. Cows and BULLs Cum from the same family. Maybe it’s Tom Cruise who wants to fuck symbowel of Leo “U”, as in CUT and WOLF.

BLUE PILLOW childhood picture

Mercedes BENz BLUE Tech


Josh Wolf and his Wifey Judy BLUme



“BLUE” Judge “JAY” FORD is a BIRD

BLUE BURON Canoe at 20360 Callon Drive Topanga “HO”me

Tom Bridges David RosenBLOOM and Jewish Contractor Brett BERN


MATrix Rex Sex

The GOLDen Compass and DAKOTA BLUE

BL”OO” Charlie’s Find “Grand Theft Auto” “8”

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