This is at a Bank of America ATM machine. Bank of America is originally an OLD ITALIAN BANK.
BA in Korean means SEE.
The NUMBERS on this Bank Receipt is about TOM BRIDGES MY IDENTITY and MY ARTWORK, meaning of MY Parents Names with CATHOLIC Church Theme of MAThicmathics of making Money, AS IF SANDRA OH is MY IDENTITY through Tom Bridges who has the same birthday as me.
Tom Bridges MY FATHER’S Identity with JOSH WOLF, MY MOTHER’S Identity with CONNIE PECORARO, and MY IDENTITY with SANDRA OH. This is their Deeply Disturbing PSYCHOTIC GAYM.
The Receipt is from a Bank in IJL LAB in “CHA”rlotte NC. Deposit to PRI”MARY”.
Receipt Deposit Amount “212.00”. Cash Deposit “22.00”
CHA in Korean means CAR and TEA. My Father was a Gifted Musician and “TEA”cher. This syllable is in Josh MIC”CHA” Wolf’s middle name. The reason why Connie “MA”ria Pecoraro modeled for a FORD MUStang CAR.
NOR th CAR olina is about creating meaning “Going Backwards”. C is number “3” in the alphabet and this is THE CODE because it’s about T “HO” MAS CHRISToFUR Bridges Jesus CHRIST on page “3”. NORth CARolina, because Daniel Ladinsky lives there, author of “The Gift” and his poem “EAR that was sold to a fish” PEDOPHILE RAPIST.
Cash Deposit of “22.00” is about the meaning of PI symbol “TT” + “OO” of Christ Eyes = TO TO, MY Korean name WANG in Korean Characters.
212 is about the Astrology VIBE Numbers of Josh Wolf AIR LIBRA and Connie Pecoraro EARTH VIRGO Vibe Numbers. The description of their VIBE Numbers has the words “Morning Star” which is the name of MYFATHER’S Music band from the 50’s. 212 is the Area Code of MAN HATTAN.
2/15/07 DATE is about TOM BRIDGES YEAR Backwards of “72” with “15” is the letter “O” in the Alphabet, 3AR sound of SANDRA “OH” name.
Balance of 7211.00 is about the number “11” which is the month of NOvember. NO Tom Bridges Left to Right, he bridges 3AR sound of LEO with “OIL” BACKWARDS.
NOVEMBER Is about the Month of LEE H. MONTGOMERY’S birthday 11/3. It’s about MY “SHADOWS in NOVEMBER” page.
IJL LAB is about several things. “IL” in Korean means the Number “ONE” which is Connie Maria Pecoraro’s Birthday. This syllable is in the street name “MAT ILIJA”. BU “JA” in Korean means RICH. LAB is about the word BAL backwards, BAL in Korean means FOOT, SHIN BAL in Korean means “SHOES”. SANDRA OH wants MY Childhood pictures of me wearing RED SHOes and Red SHOrts to BE HER, for my Korean name to BE HER through the word SHIN BAL which means SHOes in Korean. SE in Korean means BIRD, Tom BIRD g”ES” BACKWARDS. “OO” is ASS for MAThemathics of LICKING ASS HO les for Money.
BAE in Korean means Two things PEAR and BOAT. This is about MY Father’s Middle name of “BAE”, for THOMas CHRISTopher Bridges MY FATHER’S IDENTITY and NAME with his gay Leo and 3AR sound of “OIL” BACKWARDS, for Italian Psycho Connie Pecoraro and her Catholic Theme of JESUS CHRIST Horney to LICK FORM of “OO” is “ASS” Backwards. E is for “E”ye AB, alphabet going BACKwards.
Catho”LICK” “MAT”hemathics of Making Money. MAT in Korean means Lick or Taste. You LICK with TONGUE which is about the 3AR sound of TUNGSTEN, as in WOLFramite Scheelite, connected to JOSH WOLF sick Hor Dick to have meaning in MY Father’s Identity, WHILE THEY RAPE MY LIFE.
TOM BRIDGES 3AR sound of Jesus Christ, “OO” BR Rolex Building BR EighT Backwards, as in JOSH WOLF Licking BREighTT ANAL BERN’S RECTUM. FOUR WAYS TO SAY RECTUM, Sphincter, Asshole, Rectum, Anus = “SARA”. Tom Bridges Jesus CHRIST on page “3” = SAM. SAM SARA means SUPHERRING.
I have never been and never will be a RACIST, I didn’t create this sick RAPING GAME of TOM BRIDGES who has the same birthday as me, bridges TAO is the WAY with Catholic MAThemathics of making Money gaym through Connie Pecoraro’s Catholic OIL paintings. AS IF SANDRA OH was MY IDENTITY and DREW my Drawings from 1982.
Both of these TWO Disturbed sick JEWS have been fucking BIG JEANNIE BERNARDO OIL BLUBBER ASSES, supporting their SICK MOTHER CONSTANCE MARIA PECORARO and PSYCHO ACTRESS SANDRA OH. Wanting MY Parents Names to have meaning for them, while my life gets repeatedly RAPED and ROBBED.
Every time I write something about JOSH WOLF sick mother fucking HOR DICK SOCIOPATH, they PIMP sick BRETT BERN Lookalikes around me, to PROTECT their Sick JESUS CHRIST. Because Everything about TOM BRIDGES 3AR sound of words FITS him Bridging TOO CYK JOOS in 3AR sound BACKWARDS of Brett Bern’s Birthday number for Josh Wolf. 360 9420.
C H OO RIST, isn’t my Artwork. It’s the REASON for YEARS of RAPING of MY LIFE, of WRONGFUL ARRESTS and ABUSE by fucking PIGS, the POLICE, who are also in the Business of MAThemathics of making Money.