ARCH STONE Real Estate Company and ARCONA Building in Santa Monica









ARCHSTONE Real Estate Company and their NEW Building ARCONA between 4th and 5th Streets on Broadway. This new building like many New buildings that have been built since 2005, are an INFRINGEMENT of MY Watercolor Artwork titled “VIANSA COURTYARD” and “Palace of Fine Arts”.

They named it the ARCONA, because it’s about “Going Backwards” for meaning of RICH ARD STONE, Beverly Hills Court Judge’s name with meaning of sound of RICH ART. Because my Portrait drawing has the letter “C” Going Backwards, and THREE is “THE CODE”, they don’t want Sandra Oh licking Connie MA”RIA” Pecoraro through the word H”AIR”.

The STONE is connected to meaning of STONE of Astrology SIGNS. AIR LIBRA Josh Wolf STONE is the DIAMOND and they want my drawing of NEIL DIAMOND from 1982 holding a Mike from the “Jazz Singer” to have meaning for Josh Wolf because of this. They want THE PICTURE of me and a black girl from childhood in the shape of a DIAMOND to have meaning for him, because it’s a Powerfully Synchronistic picture with Lee Montgomery.

This brand new Apt complex is next to PERFORMANACE Bike shop. For PER iod meaning of Blood that fills a Dick. FORM ANCE. FORM of Jesus CHRIST Eyes “OO”. For JOSH WOLF who PERFORMS on Stage in Specific Cities and Theatre Names.

MAY FOURth of CHRISTina Bernardo’s Birthday.

Sound of name of Tom Cruise “MAY”pother FOUR th.

Grisb Y’S at “401” Broadway across the street from FLO “R” FLO “R”. For the letter “R” which is the “18”th letter of the alphabet in WANG MONTGOMERY Portrait drawing Eyes to have meaning for WOLF WOLF “OO” as Jesus CHRIST.


CITRUS, connected to the childhood picture of me and My Father with B”ASS”KeT of ORANGES to be “bridged” by TB name initials BACKwards, for MY Father’s Identity to be JOSH WOLF, supported to TOM CRUISE. CIT RUS, CIT and TH “RUS” T, as in Carl Jung “COINED” the term Synchroni CIT y and JUNG DUNG in Korean means ASS. Tom Cruise and SURI = CITRUS. Tom Bridges his gay LE”O” with 3AR sound of OIL Backwards as in OIL Blubber Ass of Connie Pecoraro’s Artwork.

These are all REPEATING PATTERNS all throughout Los Angeles. This is just one example.

TOM CRUISE, TOM BRIDGES my Mother’s name and identity with Connie Pecoraro, My Father’s name and Identity with Josh Wolf and MY IDENTITY with SANDRA OH, THROUGH the Vehicle of her OIL Catholic Church Theme artwork of Jesus CHRIST, connected to Sandra Oh as “CRIST”ina Yang on “Grey’s Anatomy”. This is their Deeply disturbed sick BRAIN WASHING gaym, RAPING of MY LIFE GAYM, so that My Identity and My Artwork can BE SANDRA OH.

Like Hill STONE restaurant Beverly Grill next to HONOR BAR which opened in 2010, to CELEBRATE the RAPING of my life from 2009, this is just another example of them BUILDING buildings based on MY WATERcolor Artwork titled “Palace of Fine Arts” and “Viansa Courtyard” to have meaning for them, AS IF Constipated PSYCHO PECORARO did my Artwork, AS IF SANDRA OH did my Artwork.

RICHARD sounds like RICH ART, the reason why all my Artwork was STOLEN in 2009. And everything they’ve been since then is about BRAIN WASHING AS IF SANDRA OH was MY IDENTITY and She did all my Artwork on MY WEBSITE.

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