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CAM or KAM DUNG Yee, in Korean, means NEGRO, as in BLACK COLOR SKIN.
The syllable of “KAM” sound of “CAM” is in the word “CAM”ERA, like in the word “PHAR MAC Y”.
Meaning of B “L”ACK is about going “BACK”wards, it’s connected to the letters “C L”, as in Barack Obama’s Fraud Birth Certificate with Delivery Doctor name DAVID “SIN” CL AIR, which was a handpicked name to make it ‘FIT’, in ROBBING of My Korean Name of “SIN WON” for SANDRA OH through “AiR” LIBRA JOSH WOLF and in the name of Constance MA”RIA” Pecoraro.
CO LOR, CO in Korean means “NOS E”, to create meaning Going BACKwards through “E”yes of Jesus CH”RIS”T the “SON”, Constance Maria Pecoraro’s Catholic Theme Oil ART of MARY and JESUS CH “RIS” T the SON, “CHA”rlies Find, connected to Josh MIC”CHA” WOLF, reason why Sandra OH is “CHRIST”ina Yang on “Grey’s Anatomy”.
Korean words are important, and they are the SECRET CODES, because it’s about ROBBING MY KOREAN NAME SIN WON WANG, for KOREAN Actress Psycho SANDRA OH.
S”KIN”, for all COLOR S”KIN” or BEIGE Clothing of me in pictures, to be SANDRA OH. S”KIN”, as if SANDRA OH is My name SIGNature of “SANDY” on MY ART, as if it’s the “NIK” of her name GOING BACKwards.
This is “WR” Wilshire Blvd x Robertson Blvd. White and Red, is about MY Childhood picture in 1980, of ME in White Red Shirt with “14”, with a BLACK GIRL, that they have built as if My Identity was SANDRA OH.
ROBERT SON Blvd. MY PENCIL Drawing of BLACK Male actor ROBERT GUILLAUME from 1981, with my powerful name SIGNature of “SANDY” as in my John HANCOCK on this drawing, to be SANDRA OH, as if it’s the “NIK” of her name GOING BACKWards.
Why create all this meaning “GOING BACKWARDS”? because it’s an ASS CONSPIRACY, that was BUILT through BLACK and YELLOW COLOR S”KIN” Meaning, as if SANDRA OH was My Name SIGNature, as if it’s the “NIK” of her name.
My First Name SIGNature on this drawing from1981, has “OO” made with letter ‘S’ of my name Signed SIDEWAYS. This is WHY Constance Maria Pecoraro’s CATHOLIC THEME OIL ART, of Mary and JESUS CHRIST, “CHA”rlie has “OO” Horizontal Rings around his Eyes, and for these “OO” RINGS to be about “FORM OF ASS” GOING BACKWARDS.
TRA TOR “RIA” is the I “TAL”IAN restaurant next to “KAM”i store, which is next to PLANET PHAR”MAC”Y. Conspiracy of TWO, = GLO”RIA” MA”RIA” BO”GE” TAL PU bic H”AIR” Ass Pussy CatHOLICKING SANDRA OH in Going BACKwards. It’s called PREMEDITATED ORGANIZED C”RIMES”.
CAM DUNG Y, or “KAM” DUNG Yee in Korean is NEGRO
“ROL”ex Building where JO SHOW LF agency is
Josh Wolf in Black CAP “SKIN” and “COLOR SKIN” meaning
Josh Wolf who is a regular on CHEL”SEA” “HAND”ler show
“CS” Color S”KIN”, at “CS”H and see “HEL”ping “HAND” GiFT SHOP
DIRECTLY connected to “GREYS ANATOMY” tv HOS pi”TAL” Show
created by NEGRO KAM Dung Yee, SHOnda LYNN RHIMES
Wilshire blvd X Robertson blvd going West towards Swall Drive and Doheny
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To the Right on WILSHIRE Blvd, which is going WEST direction
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The "BUBBLE" RIMES with HUBBLE as in Nasa Space, RHYMES with RUBBLE, as in BARNey and Betty Rubble of the FLINTSTONES
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The number of CAR DEALERSHIPS and CAR RENTAL Companies, that have opened on WILSHIRE Blvd x ROBERTSON Blvd vicinity since 2010, is unbelievable.
Flet”C” HER JONES, in HER SHE ys Cho”CHA”colate Ass Pussy CATHOLICKING GAME in MATheamathics of making MONEY, for TAO DAO “DOW of DAVID JONES”, in ROBBING of MY IDENTITY, MY ART connected to SANDRA OH. FLET, “C” HER, “LEFT” is the TAO DAO DOW JONES of making Money. SEE SANDRA OH PORTRAIT Drawing and Picture looking “LEFT”.
“C” HER, as if the “C” shape in MY H”AIR” in 1984 high school picture is Sandra OH. As if MY PORTRAIT Drawing in 2006 with “C” in my H”AIR” is SANDRA OH. It’s called “C” Sandra OH BO”G” TAL Pubic H”AIR” and Ass Pussy licking with GLO”RIA” and MA”RIA” on the Upper Left.
TOM “C” HAND ler, BRIDGES, C “HER”, in HER SHE YS CHOCHAcolate ASS PUSSY “EA.ting” on the “LEFT”.
Look at all the AUDI next to “SW ALL” street, as if SANDRA “O” is the ARTIST of MY ARTWORK in circles of “O”, owner and Artist of my Federally Registered TRADE”MARQQQQ” from 2007. EAR SOUND of “AUDI”. MY “ART” in Circles of “O”, to have been DONE BY SANDRA “OH”, connected to BLACK COLOR S”KIN” RAPING NIGGERS. “OH”. OBAMA and HOLDER.
“O” sound of “OH”, SANDRA OH, as if she is the ARTIST of MY ARTWORK in Circles of “O” because it “AUDI” EAR SOUNDS like her name “OH”. Like My Korean Flag watercolor painting with “FISH”, to be about FISH is PUSSY, “KF” F uc K “O”, Sandra OH. “C” U Sandra OH C=3 sound of “THREE”, EARTH Planet “O” built for SANDRA “OH”, as if she is the Artist of MY ART with circles of “O”, a Pattern that began with MY PENCIL Drawing from 1981. That is connected to meaning of BLACK COLOR S”KIN”, in GOING BACKwards. See paragraphs above in KAM, and PLANET PHAR”MAC” Y connections.
G WAR and LOW “T”
meaning of Sandy Wang's DL in 2014, Name on DMV “G” WAR d
G is ROUND like circle of “O”, ear sound of “OH” psyc”HO” actress
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“G” or “GE” in KOREAN means RATS and Mice, “STAR” spelled backwards.
GE OR GE name is about meaning of My Korean Name of “SIN WON” which sounds like SHIN WON in the name of First President GEORGE WASHINGTON.
G is about My Pencil Drawing of ROBERT GUILLAUME from 1981, who was “BEN”son DUBOIS, and I drew this drawing connected to 1972 movie “BEN” with RATS in Pipes, starring LEE MONTGOMERY who I fell in love with in 1980.
G is about My Father's Music Band name from 1950's “MORNING STARS”.
All of the above is MINE, as in MY IDENTITY, MY ART, MY Father's ROYAL Korean Name.
G WAR, you want ME to have a “WAR” with a Borderline Psychotic Actress SANDRA OH, who is a psyc”HO”tic ACTRESS and thinks she's a STAR, have a WAR with this sick bitch, in FIGHTING FOR MY OWN IDENTITY, MY OWN ARTWORK and MY OWN FATHER's IDENTITY, MY OWN BIRTHRIGHTS? ?
GEORGE LUCAS has married a Black Pussy name MEDO “DY”.
GEORGE CL”OO”NEY has married A”MAL” “MAL”UDDIN, an International Lawyer.
Silence of the LAM bs, worldwide, in NEEGRO 'GREEN” BOWEL Ass Pussy Ea.ting Game.
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