SEWOL Ferry Ship “CAP”sizing and S”KIN”ing into SEA
South Korea April 16, 2014





LEE JOON SUK the Ships Captain in “GRAY” Hooded shirt is “at a loss for words”

Number 5 is “O” in Korean, sound of SANDRA “OH”, a few days before 5 murdered in “CAL GARY” CANADA

meaning of Color “GRAY”
SANDRA OH Psycho Actress on “GRAYS anatomy”

Sandra OH who was born in OT TA WA, CANADA, her father’s name is “JOON SOO OH”
connected to ‘SUK’ SUC JOSH MIC”CHA” WOLF who is a Stand UP Comedian
meaning of name “LEE”







DANWON high school students celebrating
robbing of Sandy Wang’s Korean name “Sin WON” and IDENTITY for Sandra OH
connected to “DAN”iel Ladinsky’s book “The Gift”, as if Sandra OH is My Name SIGNature on my pencil drawing from 1981,
through Constance Maria Pecoraro’s Oil art of JESUS CHRIST “CHA”rile, Josh MIC”CHA” W.O.L.F
reason why Sandra OH is CHRISTina Yang on “Grey’s Anatomy”

Sandy Wang’s Korean name “SIN WON”

SE “SE” is “BIRD” in Korean
T’HO’ MAS CHRISTopher “BIRD”g “es” Sandra “OH” name backwards
through Constance Maria Pecoraro’s Jesus CHRIST on page “THREE” = SAM in Korean, “CHA”rlies Find
reason why Sandra OH is CHRISTina YANG… on “Grey’s Anatomy” on “TAL….man” ave

Sandra OH and her “FOOT”
Sandra Oh’s agency “UTA” next to “FOOT” HILL Road connections

why are Korean words important? Like “YANG TAL”

“CREWS Actions” A “KIN” to Murder
3AR sounds like “CRUISE” as in TOM CRUISE and TOM BRID G “ES”


who was married to “NIK”ole Kidman

CRUISE on a “BOAT” meaning

GIG “LIO” CRUISE incident



HEAD of Emergency Management Center name : SHIN WON NAM
Sandy Wang’s Korean name “SIN WON”
Sandy Wang’s Korean name and GEORGE WASHINGTON meaning

meaning of Robbing My “NAM”E, for Sandra OH Psycho

Ship/Ferry owner : “CHO”nghaejin and Marine Co, 480 ft long
like “CHO”m Gang of BARACKETEERING OBAMA and his Fraud Birth Certificate from Hawaii “4/8”

This Sick Raping NIGGERS LIFE, has been built through ROBBING of MY Parents Names and Meaning of MY ARTWORK, Name SIGNature on MY ART from 1981,
it is WHY he became the Presi”DENT”, and WHY MY LIFE Has been SABOTAGED

“CHO” m gang of BARACK OBAMA’s Old Days in HAWAII
BARACK OBAMA who was born in KENYA
“B.A.R.”ACK OBAMA’s FRAUDU DU DU LENT Birth Certificate from “H.A.W.A.I.I.”

Barack Obama isn’t a Leo, and he isn’t FIT to be the Presi”DENT”, he’s a Lying CRIMINAL

WH White House with “Blacks” makes “GRAYS” Anatomy





YOO BYUNG EUN is owner of “CHO”NGHAEJIN Marine Co
“C” HO, Sandra “OH” is My Identity, MY Picture with “C” Hair in 1984, and she is My PORTRAIT Drawing with “C” Hair
CHO”CHA” in Spanish means PUSSY, See SANDRA OH in 1999 PEPSI PUSSY Pictures connected to Constance MARiA Pecoraro’s Jesus “CHA”rlie’s Find OIL ART

Sandy Wang’s Korean Name “SIN WON” sound of SHIN WON
Sandy Wang’s “C” Hair in 1984
Sandy Wang’s “C” Hair in 2006 PORTRAIT Drawing

Constance Pecoraro’s SICK OIL ART of JESUS CHRIST on PAGE 3 = C
meaning of Psycho Pecoraro’s OIL ART Catholic Theme and George “C” PAGE

CHO “CHA” in Spanish is PUSSY, SANDRA OH PEPSI PUSSY in 1999

BAL connections in robbing of MY Name for SANDRA OH, through Korean word “BYUNG WON”

HOS Pital Connections
SANDRA OH sick actress on “HOSPITAL SHOW” Grey’s Anatomy”
connected to Rea life hospital CSH in Robbing of MY IDENTITY and MY NAME


“TILT”ed and “ROL”ing
“SHIP” in Korean means number “TEN”, in Robbing of My Father’s Name for AIR LIBRA born in “10” October JOSH WOLF through “BLOW AIR in CL ARI NET”

SANDRA OH “TILT” your “HEAD” meaning

“ROL”ling and “LOR” I Hubble Dental Petition HEARING Date on “6/4” 2013
ROL “ROL”ex Building of JOSH WOLF agency, See “SIDE DOOR” MENTAL ST”AIR”S
LIN LYN LYN connections

ST “AIR” Ch “AIR”, Sick “AIR” connections



“HO”lly “YAN”g, Sandra OH as CHRISTina “YAN”g is connected to this
in Robbing of MY John “HANCOCK”, through Years of PREMEDITATED “HARM” CAUSED TO MY LIFE
reason why this psycho actress MUST BE LOCKED IN PRISON FOR LIFE

Sandra “OH” psycho actress
Yellow Sea Sandra “OH” psycho actress as “CHRIST” ina “YAN”G on “Gre YS Anatomy”
Yellow Shoes Sandra “OH” YEL”LOW” SHOES meaning

“BYUNG WON” in Korean means “HOS”pital in Robbing of My Korean Name for SANDRA OH

B “YUNG” WON is connected to “YUNG” or YOUNG and CARL “JUNG”


All Coordinates around the GLOBE of “O” meets and CONVERGES at CEDARS SINAI HOSPITAL
HOS pital connections


A “WOL” nation

LOOK AT K.O.R.E.A.N PsychoActress SANDRA OH “BAE” with BLACK “DOT”
KAM DUNG YEE in Korean is “NEGRO”,

The entire COUNTRY of SOUTH KOREA has been built in the past 3 decades as if JOSH WOLF was My Father and CONSTANCE MARIA PECORARO were My Parents Names, and as if SANDRA OH was MY IDENTITY. If you notice, “Korean Words” are the SECRET CODES, because it’s about ROBBING OF MY IDENTITY, MY ART, Name SIGNatures, MY LIFE, for SANDRA OH PSYCHO KOREAN ACTRESS.

Did everyone forget already why “RHO” committed suicide in 2009?, he was going to go to Jail for Laundering of MONEY through “SHOE” BUSINESSES, which is about ROBBING of MY Korean name “BOURNE IDENTITY” for Psycho Korean Actress SANDRA OH. SEE “BAL” connection link below.

Everything since the Robbery of MY Priceless Artwork in 2009 through Organized C”RIMES”, has been built for MY KOREAN FLAG Watercolor Art with ‘FISH’ in circle of “O”, to be about “FK” FUCK “OH”, SANDRA OH as if she is the ARTIST OF MY ARTWORK.

“FISH”, connected to “DAN”iel Ladinsky’s book ‘The Gift’ and the poem in this book “EAR TH at was SOLD to a FISH”, as if SANDRA OH is the ARTIST of BOTH MY ART COLLECTIONS from 1981 and 1982, and from 2003-2007. LIFE IN PRISON.

Sandy Wang’s Korean Flag with FISH in “O”

Published 1999 “DAN”iel Ladinsky “THE GIFT” and “EAR” that was SOLd to a FISH
1999 SANDRA OH PEPSI PUSSY is “FISH” in 1999

EAR sound of “O”
KF “O” with FISH to be about “F UC K” SANDRA OH entire “URTH” built for “O”

Delusional MICHIN YUN SANDRA OH who needs to be LOCKED IN PRISON

SE”WOL” is the name of the Ship, built in 1994. See specifics in above picture.

Majority of the ferry passengers were DANWON High School Students who were on a trip to JEJU Island, a resort Island in the “YS” Yellow Sea.

Yellow Shoes. Yellow Dress. SANDRA OH who thinks she is MY IDENTITY, MY Name SIGNature on MY ART of “SANDY”, dissected and rebuilt “Going BACKwards” through Gre “YS” Anatomy, HOS pital Tv SHOw, created by SHO nda LYNN RHIMES. Grey and Yel”LOW” are both CO”LOR”s, connected to CO in Korean is NOS”E”, for “E”yes of the SON Ch”RIS”t, Going BACKwards, and “LOR” is about JOSH WOLF who’s talent agency is in the “ROL”ex building.

Connected to JOSH “WOL” F, in T “HO” MAS CHRIST opher BRIDGES meaning of MY Father’s Name, with JOSH MIC”CHA” WOLF through Jesus CH”RIS”T OIL ART by Constance Maria Pecoraro. “SE” WOL, “SE” is “BIRD” in Korean in the name of “BRID” G. “ES”.

TOM BRIDGES meaning of MY Parents Names with JOSH WOLF and CONSTANCE PECORARO and MY IDENTITY with SANDRA OH, in a GROUP CONSPIRACY, spanning 3 decades. Since 1979 “YELLOW VIRGO” connections to MY CHILDHOOD Pictures in 1979 in Santa Monica, that they have built it as if it’s SANDRA OH.

LEE JOON SEOK is the name of the Ferry Captain who “survived”. The LAW is that as long as there are passengers on the Boat, the Captain MUST Stay on the boat. An Arrest Warrant has been issued for his Arrest and two others.

“LEE” through G”LORIA” LEE my Catholic High School classmates birthday, GLORIA rimes with VICTORIA and MARIA, 5/29, they have built this Conspiracy of TWO, so that MY IDENTITY in PICTURES of me from 1985 with GLORIA LEE, can BE SANDRA OH that they have already built.

So that “LEE” Montgomery can have meaning for her.

JOON, Sandra Oh’s father’s name is JOON SOO OH, and his American name is JOHN OH. They’ve been building for MY Father’s NAME of “SUNG BAE” WANG, to have meaning for SANDRA OH, in connection to meaning P”EAR” shaped Asses, connected to T “HO” MAS CH “RIS” T OPHER BIRDG“ES” JOSH MIC”CHA” W.O.L. F. SE”WOL”.


The letter “G” is important, because it Korean it means “RATS”, STAR BACKwards for SANDRA OH who wants to be and “IS” a ASS PUSSY BO “G” TAL LICKING “STAR” in GOING BACKwards in a “CAM” DUNG YEE JUNG DUNG Ass Conspiracy. B “L” ACK is for Going BACK. C “L”, SE “ELLE”, JOSH WOLF talent agency PARA “L” ELLE Entertainment, in HER SHE “YS” CHO chacolate ass pussy game.

It’s about Robbing of MY Name SIGNature on MY ART, My IDENTITY, all my childhood pictures for SANDRA OH, as if she was MY IDENTITY, connected to MATHemathics of making MONEY.

It’s about ROBBING of MY Parents Names, connected to ASS CONSPIRACY of BODY PART WORDS in Korean Language. This is WHY the meaning of CARL JUNG who “COINED” the term SYNCHRONICITY is important, “COPPER PENNY” is a Coin connected to Korean words CAM DUNG Yee, which means NEGRO, and JUNG “DUNG” which means ASS, and YOUNG JUNG and DUNG all “RHYME”, all connected to T”HO” MAS CHRIST O “FUR” BRIDGES My Parents with Wolf and Pecoraro and My Identity with SANDRA OH, through TV SHOW created by SHOnda LYNN RHIMES, “Greys Anatomy”.

My Father’s middle name of BAE in Korean means PEAR and the word for BOAT, depending on the context you use it in. It also means the word STOMACH. So through this meaning, they have built for meaning of MY Father’s Middle Name to be about P”3AR” shaped ASS is the “WAY” because B”OAT” has the word “TAO” in it BACKwards. My Mother’s name is JUNG JA, and “JUNG Dung” in Korean means ASS.

This is connected to Robbing of MY Korean of “SIN WON” sound of SHIN WON for SANDRA OH through KOREAN Words “SHIN Bal” which means “SHO”es, and “Byung WON” which means “HOS”pital,

“SUN” G. G in Korean means “RATS”, Star spelled backwards. For meaning of My Father’s Music Band from 1950’s “MORNING STARS” of him B “LOW” ing “AiR” into CL “ARI” NET, reason why Barack Obama HAND PICKED the Delivery Doctors name of DAVID SIN CL”AIR” on his PROVEN FRAUDULENT BIRTH CERTIFICATE from HAWAII. Why “HAWAII”? because it’s about MY Childhood picture from 1981 with me and My Father and HAWAIIAN “BAR”rel on top of the Liquor Cabinet, “LC”, and “BO” Bassssket of Oranges. This is why it’s connected to Raping of MY LIFE through “BAR” as in LAW, BAR Exam, all during this negro’s Presidency, that was BUILT IT, to ROB MY IDENTITY for SANDRA OH.

SUN “G”, this is why Tom BIRD “G” ES name is important, he also has the SAME LEO BIRTHDAY as me and is crucial in ROBBING of MY IDENTITY for SANDRA OH.

SUN, sound of “SON”, for MY LEO SIGN ruled by STAR “SUN” in the Center of our Solar System, to be SANDRA OH, through T”HO” MAS CHRIST OPHER BRIDGES Gay male who has the same LEO Birthday as me, connected to OIL Art by Constance Pecoraro of Jesus CHRIST the ‘SON’, this is why Sandra OH is “CHRIST”ina Yang on “Greys Anatomy”. As if SANDRA OH is MY IDENTITY growing up in JACK”SON” Heights NY in 1980’s with very important ZIP CODE Numbers of “113 72”, This is one of the main reasons why you NEVER see any pictures of SANDRA OH from 1980’s, because they have BUILT IT as if she is MY IDENTITY, the reason for these SAME Repeating Numbers through RAPING MY LIFE through FRAMING ME IN APRIL 2009. All connected to SANDRA OH and SHONDA LYNN RHIMES.

Through Constance Pecoraro’s Jesus CHRIST the “SON”, through her pedophilish sketches of “SUN NY”, for all the “SON” and “SUN” from MY LIFE, to BE and have meaning for SANDRA OH, in a Group Conspiracy of IDENTITY THEFT, ART THEFT, LIFE THEFT, etc. I have overwhelming Concrete Evi”DEN”ce of this, and this point, it’s isn’t a “Conspiracy of Two”, it’s called PREMEDITATED ORGANIZED C”RIMES” in MATHemathics of making MONEY through ABUSING MY LIFE and ROBBING MY IDENTITY and PRICELESS ARTWORK.

SUN, rules the LEO sign, is the CENTER of our SOLAR SYSTEM. This is about MY PORTRAIT Drawing that SANDRA OH thinks is HER. For the number “8” in MY Eyes connected to new Solar System Planets of “8”, to BE HER, as if she is MY SIGN of LEO, as if she is MY PORTRAIT and Artist of My Watercolor artwork. The number 8 is the month of AUGUST MY LEO Birth Month, that this EAR Sound of JU “LIE” BORN sick actress SANDRA OH thinks is her birthday built through T”HO” MAS CHRISTOPHER BRIDGES Gay Male who has the same LEO Birthday as me but different year. 8 is a Penis Size, and Sandra OH born in July Cancer “JC” is a Perfect Match with “JC” Jesus CHRIST “CHA”rile, JOSH MIC”CHA” WOLF’s 7 inch DIK Size, horny for BIG OILY “ASS FORM OO”.

They say EYES are WINDOW to the SOUL. I was born in “SEOUL” Korea and my family moved to United States in 1979. SEOUL, the sound of SOUL, similar to “SE wOL”, what’s missing? U, is the symbol for sign of LEO, that they’ve been building it to be about SYM “BOWEL” of LIO, as in BOWEL is the “OIL” ASS P3AR Shaped OIL ASS FORM, connected to Jesus CHRIST with big “OO” Rings around his Eyes.

Se “W” OL. W, say it, Double You “DY”. AS IF SANDRA OH IS MY “DOUBLE”, as if she is My Name SIGNature of “SAN DY” on MY ART. Double me, like as in TWINS, reason why “AIR” Gemini Sign of GLORIA LEE is important in robbing of MY IDENTITY for SANDRA OH, symbol of “TWINS”. Double me? like all fucking NIGGERS FACES LOOK ALIKE and you can’t see them in the dark.

So they have built for MY Parents Names to have meaning for SANDRA OH, through Tom Bridges JOSH WOLF and CONSTANCE PECORARO as if these two were My Parents, all connected to MATHemathics of making MONEY, through SLOW Sabotaging of MY LIFE, through WHITE COLLAR C”RIMES”, so that everything about me can BE Sandra OH. Conspiracy of TWO Times of “GOING BACKwards” so that “OO” can BE FORM of ASS connected to meaning of MY Name SIGNature on MY ART and meaning of MY PARENTS NAMES.


The Vice Principal of the School who also escaped the sinking ship and survived, COMMITTED SUICIDE by HANGING HIMSELF on a TREE after he survived the “CAP”sizing and “S” INK ing of the B”OAT”. There isn’t a more obvious way to show “GU IL T” than this.

WHAT IS SANDRA OH’s MIDDLE NAME? PA “TREEEE” SHA? = LIFE IN PRISON. Meaning of “TREE” goes back Decades, but especially connected to MY Pictures on “TREEE” in TOPANGA in 2007, that they have built it as if it’s SANDRA OH? SPO??? Like ME Doing any and all “SPO”RTS, that they have built it as if My Identity is this delusional MI”CHIN”YUN ACTRESS.

How Perfectly it Fits. “CAP”sizing and “S” INK ing of B”OAT”, connected to meaning of “PAC”hyderm is a thick S”KIN” Mam”MAL” like “GRAY” Elephant, and NEGRO OBAMAS in the ‘WHITE’ House makes “GRAYS Anatomy”, in ROBBING the meaning of MY Name SIGNature on MY ART, MY IDENTITY, Everything about me, for KOREAN ACTRESS SANDRA OH, in a BLACK YELLOW “CAP”ri”CORN” sign the G”OAT” R.i.m.e.s with B”OAT”, of GOING BACKwards.


The Emergency Management Center name is “SHIN WON” NAM.

MY Korean name is “SIN WON”, sounds like “SHIN WON”.

NAM is connected to robbing of My American Name “SANDY” Name SIGNature, as in My JOHN “HAN”COCK, connected to Spanish word “MAN”OS, as if it’s “SO” Sandra OH going backwards, like Gre ‘YS’ anatomy. YS, Yellow Sea, Yellow Shoes, Yellow Dress. Robbing of My REAL LIFE Identity and Name through “Words of Objects”.

Connected to Constance Pecoraro’s Jesus CHRIST “CHA”Rlies Find “OO”, CHO “CHA” in Spanish means PUSSY, See SANDRA OH in 1999 PEPSI PUSSY Pictures. This BOAT SHIP was built in 1994, in Japan owned by people with the letters of “CHO” isn’t random. PUSSY isn’t My Name and it isn’t my “C” RIME ing Game. PUS “SY”, like Gre ‘YS’ Anatomy”, for MY Name SIGNature on MY ART of “S and Y”, to be this Borderline Psychotic Actress “ANATOMY” of ASS PUSSY. It’s called RAPING, DEGRADING, and CHEAPENING MY PRICELESS ART and NAME SIGNature on MY ART, besides IDENTITY THEFT, ART THEFT in a GROUP CONSPIRACY.

SHIN WON is important, because it’s connected to ROBBING of MY Korean Name through “WORDS of OBJECTS” in Korean language, specifically “SHO”es and “HOS”pital.

My Korean name “SIN WON” sounds like SHIN WON.

SHIN Bal in Korean means “SHO”es.

Byung WON in Korean means “HOS”pital.

This is WHY Sandra OH “S.OH” is on a “HOS”pital Tv “SHO”w, directly connected to Real Life “HOS”pital Cedars “SIN”ai Hospital where they’ve been building for 3 decades as if Sandra OH was My Korean name, my “BOURNE” Identity in a “HER SHE YS” chochacolate Ass Pussy game. As if SANDRA OH was MY identity in my childhood picture in 1980 with a Black Girl.

Sandy Wang’s parents in 1980’s Jackson Heights NY
meaning of COPPER PENNY and “CARL JUNG” in Ass Conspiracy

meaning of SHIN “BAL” connections
meaning of BYUNG WON, “HOS”pital connections

SANDRA OH “Yellow SHIN BAL”, psycho Actress on “HOSPITAL” Tv SHO w “Grey’s Anatomy”

Black Negr”OS” r.i.m.e.s with MAN”OS”, in the White House makes “GRAYS Anatomy”.

I wrote the writings above before I found out what the name of the owner of this Ferry Company is on 4/23/14. YOO BYUNG EUN. Sounds like YOU “BYUNG WON”, which in Korean means HOS pital. Read what is says above and the sound of SEWOL and letter “W”. There is no doubt in my mind this “BILLIONAIRE”S LIFE and his BUSINESSES are BUILT to ROB MY IDENTITY for SANDRA OH as if she is MY IDENTITY and ARTIST OF MY ARTWORK. Read “BAL” page and you’ll understand why this person’s LIFE Is connected to ROBBING OF MY IDENTITY for SANDRA OH, MY Parents Names for WOLF and PECORARO. ALL CONNECTED TO BARACK OBAMA and HOSPITAL SHOW created by “SHO”nda Lynn RHIMES, “GREYS ANATOMY” with SANDRA OH. The CONVERGING POINT of all of the above, is CEDARS SINAI HOSPITAL where they’ve been building for 3 decades as if My Identity was SANDRA OH. Go there and study TAO DAO en”DOW”ed CH”AIR” page, and you’ll understand why this B “OAT” CAP sized.

BYUNG EUN. Byung WON is HOS pital. The students were from Dan “WON” School. SCHOOL, LO Sandra “OH” “CS” Color S”KIN”, connected to CEDARS SINAI HOSPITAL and BLACK YELLOW COLOR S”KIN” Conspiracy connected to JOSH WOLF and SANDRA OH.

CEDAR is a type of a TREEEEEEEE, what is SANDRA OH’s Middle Name PA “TREE” SHA?

NA MU in Korean is “WOOD”. DAVY WOOD (l) at CSH.

NA is ME in Korean.

Study the “NA ME” of MU “BARAK” HO HO HO “SNI” and why MORSEY of EGYPT has been OUSTED and THROWN OUT OF THEIR GOV’T.

Everyone gets “TERN” TURN, DOCTOR Hanni”BAL” LECTER.



Mysterious Death of Two Men



TRI is number “THREE”, sound of “TREE”

20360 Callon Drive TOPANGA, next to PENNy road x SYLVANIA lane = PENNSYLVANIA Avenue

meaning of Sandy Wang’s Identity, SSN, connected to Mathemathics of making Money connected to “WHITE HOUSE” ADDRESS

“CP” “7/26” 2013 Arrest of Sandy Wang at “CP” Cvs Pharmacy
connected to “Vir GO Mai”DEN” Psycho Constance Pecoraro
Im”PORT”ant Psycho Constance Pecoraro and “FANCY BOX” 34/39 and “24”/7

SEP T 2012 “GREEN” White SANDRA OH on “GT” connections
SEP T 2012 Ever “GREEN” Street DENTAL mental Petition H”EAR”ING on “6/4” 2013 Premeditated Organized CRIMES

connected to why EDWARD “SNOW DEN” released NSA “SECURITY” info in July 2013

TRI as in “TRY” to have “Conspiracy of TWO” Happen, is “DEAD” like these 2 men

Conspiracy of TWO deserves LIFE IN PRISON

Philip “SEY” MORE HOFFMAN dead
SANDRA OH and “LIPS” what is her middle name ? PA “TREEE” SHA?


Mysterious Death of Two ex NAVY SEAL men, who seemed to be happy men both in their jobs and in their married lives with children.

So what caused the death of these two men? I think they committed suicide.

They worked for an outsourced contracted Security company “TRIDENT GROUP”. “TG”.

Container Ship name “MAERSK ALABAMA” in PORT of VICTORIA, SEYCHELLES in the Indian Ocean.

In 2009, My Dog JACK was taken to CARSON, on VICTO”RIA” Street. He was STOLEN from ME, to create meaning as if SANDRA OH is MY IDENTITY with ALL DOGS in all pictures of me, but especially the one of my childhood picture in 1979 with a DOG on my LAP “EATING MY H AIR”.

Sey CH”ELLES” sound of SAY SHELL, it’s about the meaning of C “L”,sound of ELLE in HER SHEys Chochacolate game, in THOMAS CHRISTOPHER BRIDGES meaning of WHY a Blonde H”AIR” female name MA”RIA” was PIMPED for Lee Montgomery many decades ago, when he lived in the same place I lived in 2007 TOPANGA, the “SHELL” hanging on the TREE in 2007 is the SAME SHELL when he lived there many decades ago.

This is an extremely important address connected to PENNSYLVANIA AVE address of WHITE HOUSE, as in WASHINGTON DC connected to Presi”DENT” of United States. And ROBBERY of MY IDENTITY, MY ART, MY Parents Names connected to BARACK OBAMA who became the 44th President of the US, through YEARS of TERROR and HORROR CAUSED TO MY LIFE, so that everything about me can be SANDRA OH, including her being the ARTIST of MY ARTWORK and MY PICTURES on the “TREEE” in TOPANGA in 2007, which I had taken for Lee Montgomery.

MA”RIA” was PIMPED because of the FORM of her ASS in a TOM BRIDGES Alan Parsons Project of Gays Anatomy of Going BACKwards, connected to MEANING of MY Name SIGNature on MY ART of ROBERT GUILLAUME from 1981, connected to ROBBING of MY PARENTS NAMES for “AIR” LIBRA JOSH MIC”CHA” WOLF, and Constance MA”RIA” PECORARO in a “ASS CONSPIRACY”. This is one of the reasons why there are so many “WOLF” connections to LEE MONTGOMERY. This is why it’s connected to BARACK OBAMA’s FRAUDUDUDULENT Birth Certificate and Delivery Doctor name DAVID SIN CL”AIR”. Look at the FORM of P3AR shape of MI”SHELLLL” OBAMAS ASS, in robbing of My Parents Names, to be about Body Part words connected to JOSH WOLF and CONSTANCE PECORARO and SANDRA OH on “Greys A.N.A.T.O.M.Y”.

TRI is the number “THREE” “SAM” in Korean “3” in a P3AR B”OAT” Ass Conspiracy. Let me say here that all SO “MAL”I PIRACY takeovers is connected to this CON. S. “PIRACY”. Look at the “S” shaped TREE sound of “THREE” at TOPANGA.

This is the same reason why they’ve PIMPED specific guys in MY LIFE for many years, and I had no idea until I began discovering this sick conspiracy to Rob my Identity and EVERYTHING about ME for SANDRA OH, including MY SEXUALITY, which is called PSYCHOLOGICAL RAPING. I have Concrete EVIDENCE, OVERWHELMING EVIDENCE of this which isn’t on my website for Graphic Content reasons, but when the time comes for when this is needed to PROSECUTE these sociopaths, I have it ready.

So not only have they ROBBED MY ARTWORK and RAPED MY IDENTITY for MATHemathics of making MONEY, they have built a massive “CONSPIRACY of TWO” Times to “MH” Mental Health in LA County Jail through Judge name “MARIA MA RIA” STRATTON. T”OO” Times, so that the meaning of My John HANCOCK name SIGNature of “SANDY” with “OO” made with letter “S” of my name, can be SANDRA OH’s ASS FORM. Conspiracy of TWO means that the first WAS a Conspiracy in 2009 when they “RAPED” MY LIFE and ROBBED EVERYTHING FROM ME including My Dog JACK.

It all goes back to MY CHILDHOOD PICTURES in 1979, of me with a DOG on MY “LAP” who is “EATING MY H AIR”. It’s why all this “AIR” connections in the word “VICTO RIA”, a “PORT” Seychelles, as if SANDRA OH is My PORTRAIT Drawing while they rape my life through “AIR PORT” COURT.

See why “MAL”aysian “AIR”line MH370 disappeared in MAR ch 2014. IA “C” connections of CONSPIRACY of TWO.

TRI “DENT” Group. TG, as if SANDRA OH has ‘THE GIFT’ of being the ARTIST of MY ARTWORK and is MY Name SIGNature while they Plane and Premeditate to RAPE MY LIFE. As if she is MY “SOCIAL SECURITY NUMBER” all connected to MATHemathics of making MONEY. Connected to PRESI”DENT”, Baracket’EEERING” OBAMA and meaning of WHY he has a FRAUDULENT Social Security Number that belongs to a dead man in Connecticut and WHY his BIRTH CERTIFICATE from HAWAII has been PROVEN to also be FRAUDULENT, they are both connected to ROBBING OF MY IDENTITY for SANDRA OH.

While they build and create CONSPIRACY of “TWO”, TRI “TRY” to have it happen, through Arresting of Me at “CP” Cvs Pharmacy, reason why these two men are “DEAD” like conspiracy of T”OO” is dead. It’s just too big and way too many people know about it, and at this point, it’s called PREMEDITATED ORGANIZED “CRIMES”.

CAP tain Philips. “CP”, see Pictures of CP Constance Pecoraro on a “BOAT” in SAUSALITO.

Reason WHY I was arrested for $40 dollars of “HYGIENE PRODUCTS” at “CP” Cvs Pharmacy in July 2013, when they had just ROBBED MY DENTAL HYGIENE PROFESSIONAL LICENSE OF 20 YEARS. What is the “VALUE” difference between the two? What are your PRIORITIES IN LIFE?


C “L”. elle.

CP, CAPTAIN PHILIPS, Conspiracy of TWO Times to “MARIA STRATTON” Mental Health Court Judge in LA County Jail as if I had “Mental Problems”, while they ROB MY JOHN HANCOCK and meaning of My Name SIGNature “SAN DY” on MY Pencil Drawing of Robert GUILLAUIME from 1981, to have meaning for Constance MARIA Pecoraro PSYCHO through her SCHOOL name of “SAN” Jose in a group conspiracy.

Cvs Pharmacy. I had to go back to Court in on “1/9” 2014 and I wrote a letter to Judge Edwards Moreton.

9/1 is Constance Maria Pecoraro’s VIRGO BIRTHDAY, who they’ve been building as if she Drew my drawing of Robert “GU IL” LAUME from 1981, the numbers 9 and 1 in Korean is “GU IL”. “T” is for “TAO DAO DOW” Jones, and PSYCHO PECORARO IS A “GU IL T” PSYCHO who must be LOCKED IN PRISON FOR LIFE.

Understand meaning of her NEW Website in 2014, and “FANCY BOX” with Im”PORT”ant. For MY “PORT”rait Drawing to have meaning for her or SANDRA OH, while they create meaning of Conspiracy of TWO Times through “AIR PORT” COURT.

“PORT” of Sey C “HELL” s.

THE GIFT Written by Daniel Ladinsky, who studied with “BA BA ME HER” in 1980s, connected to WHY “BA”rack O”BA”ma became the Presi”DENT”.

It’s about ROBBING of MY Social “SECURITY” NUMBER, MY IDENTITY and MY ART for SANDRA OH, this is what this sick raping delusional fucking niggers Presi”DEN”cy is all about.

TG, as if SANDRA OH has “THE GIFT” of being the ARTIST of MY ARTWORK.

TRI “DENT” Group. What is SANDRA OH’s Middle Name? PA “TRI” CIA? Because they have built as if MY PICTURES on the “TREEEE” in 2007 in TOPANGA is SANDRA OH. The Robbing of MY Rent Money and then ILLEGALLY LOCKING ME OUT OF THIS “HOME” In 2007, is HOW and WHY THIS SICK RAPING FUCKING NIGGER BECAME THE PRESI “DENT”. CALLON DRIVE TOPANGA is an extremely important address and this raping nigger needs to be THROWN OUT OF WHITE HOUSE makes “GRAYS antomy”.

Then he was elected a Second Term, and through his Second Term, ROBBED MY “DENT” DENT DENTAL HYGIENE LICENSE of 20 years, through PREMEDITATED ORGANIZED C”RIMES”. All connected to SANDRA OH, who’s been claiming through her SCHOOL name of SIR ROBERT BOR”DEN” in Can”ADA”, as if she DREW MY PENSYL DRAWING of ROBERT GUILLAUME from 1981, BLACK male actor who was BENSON DU”BO”IS the Butler to the Governor. Meaning of MY ARTWORK from 1981 is WHY THIS SICK NIGGER BECAME THE PRESIDENT, that they have built it as if SANDRA OH Drew it and as if she was MY IDENTITY. The REASON for the SABOTAGING OF MY LIFE and ROBBERY OF MY VALUABLE PROPERTY and MY PRICELESS ARTWORK, all through slow WHITE COLLAR C “RIMES”, as if SANDRA OH was MY IDENTITY from “BIRTH to PRESENT” connected to ALL BLACK COLOR S”KIN” SICK NIGGERS IN US GOVERNMENT.

Maersk Alabama. “MA”, “AIR” libra JOSH WOLF horny for CONSTANCE MA”RIA” PECORARO, in robbing the meaning of My Name SIGNature on MY ART in a disturbing ASS CONSPIRACY. While they CONSPIRE and create meaning of CONSPIRACY of TWO Times to “MARIA” STRATTON in “MH” Mental Health in LA County Jail, as if I had MENTAL problems, while they ROB MY IDENTITY, MY ART, MY NAME, for SANDRA OH through “Secret Codes”, all connected to SEX, and to MATHemathics of making MONEY. GLUTTONY at it’s WORST IN HISTORY OF HUMANS ON EARTH.

Sandy Wang’s FAC from 1982

Sandy Wang’s Father MUSICIAN see name “CHO” Yong on upper left


Thomas CHRISTopher Bridges

who needs to be LOCKED IN JAIL

Constance Maria Pecoraro’s Catholic Theme meaning

Virgo Mai’DEN” Constance Pecoraro’s Catholic Theme of OIL paintings of Jesus CHRIST the SON

SEA is the OCEAN of Mother Mary

Constance Pecoraro’s NO NAME GURL sketch meaning

StudY StudI “O”, Sandra Oh PEPSI PUSSY 1999 “GRAYSONS” connection

JOSH WOLF who thinks MY ARTWORK has meaning for him and his WIFEY

Repeating Numbers of 9420 ROLEX building address

Sandra Oh Psycho Actress

the reason why she is “CRIST”Ina Yang on “GREY’S Anatomy”

HOS pital connections and meaning “BYUNG WON”

Greys Anatomy tv show DIRECTLY connected to Cedars SINai Hospital

“GEORGE” Burns Entrance into Hospital and Businesses all around CSH in “RAPING MY LIFE, MY ART” for SANDRA OH

TAO of en”DOW”ed CH”AIR” and EGYPT MORSE Conference Center

CSH directly connected to FRAUD BIRTH CERTIFICATE BARACK OBAMA, scroll down to DAVID SAPERSTEIN Building connections

P”3AR” B”OAT” ASSS on SAN VI “CENT”E Blvd for “COPPER PENNY” Carl Jung “CJ” JC Jesus CHRIST is looking at “OO” ASSSSSSSS

Carl Jung COINED SYN”KROW”NICITY, and meaning of PEAR B”OAT” ASS in Going BACKwards for TAO is the Way


MISH “ELLE”, C “L” meaning in ARCHITECTURE of ROLEX Buidling


Sandra Oh who went to “SIR” Robert Bor DEN high school, raping and robbing of MY Identity, MY ART, and MY LIFE through this sick bitch’s SCHOOL name

What is PAT”HO”logical LI”AR” SAND”RA” OH”s Middle Name? PATREEEESHA?

Fraud Documents

Copyright Trademark Laws and CRIMINAL RAMIFICATIONS

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