John Kennedy married Caroline Bessette and they both died in a airplane crash on July 16, 1999.
His airplane was called "PIPER SARATOGA".
I dated a guy name Marshall Brown on and off from 1993 to 1996. He looks like John Kennedy Jr from far away. Marshall went to SKIDMORE College in "SARATOGA" Springs NY. And just before I met him CP Central Park NYC in 1993, I had lived and worked for Club Med in Florida, at the village called “SAND PIPER”.
In 1999, I met a massage therapist name "PIPER" MACHETTE who introduced me to a friend of hers name DAN KROPAS, they were both “AA” members, I wasn't.
DAN Kropas had an Airplane, I think it was a Cessna, and he took me flying once in Long Island, he let me fly it for a few minutes. Dan Kropas is a Pharmacist, like Gloria Catherine Lee, Gemini AIR sign, and they are both connected to "AIR"planes, in EAR sound of HEIR and RHIMES with HAIR CHAIR STAIR, connected to robbing of my Identity for SANDRA OH, connected to “AIR” LIBRA JOSH MIC”CHA” WOLF who's son was named Ja”COB” born in 1997, connected to GLORIA LEE who worked as a Phar”MAC”ist at JACOB Medical Center, and DAN KROPAS who lived on JACOB MANOR in WESTCHESTER NY.
I knew Gloria Lee “AiR” Gemini from 1981 to 1987, we both went to same Catholic Grammar and High Schools. She went to St. JOHNS University and became a Phar”MAC”ist, to ROB MY JOHN HANCOCK on my Pencil Drawing of “CAM” dung Yee name ROBERT GUILLAUME in 1981, as if My name SIGNature on MY ART is SANDRA OH, in a Group Conspiracy with CATHOLIC THEME OIL ART by Constance Maria Pecoraro, Jesus CHRIST, reason why in 2005, Greys Anatomy was created with Sandra OH as “CHRIST”ina YANG.
I knew Dan Kropas for a few months during the Summer in 1999, when I visited the “BARN” out in QUOGUE Long Island.
I also met a guy name KRISTIAN BAKO, who's family owned several Brownstones on the upper east side and they were in the LIQUOR Business. He owned a Boat out on Long Island and we went on a FISHING TRIP in 1998.
This is connected to DANiel Ladinsky and his book which was published in 1999, the poem EAR was sold to a FISH, connected to CATHOLIC THEME OIL ART by Constance Maria Pecoraro, in ROBBING MY IDENTITY for SANDRA OH, meaning of My John Hancock Name SIGNature on my pencil drawing from 1981, copied, twisted, rebuilt through “OO” Rings around “CHA”rlies Find, Josh MIC”CHA” WOLF.
PIPER is also about my Club Med experiences in SAND "PIPER" Florida. There is also a SARASOTA Florida. Constance Pecoraro VIRGO MaiDEN, thinks my Club Med experiences as a "GO" has meaning for her because her astrological sign is a Vir"GO". Like My “DEN”tal Hygiene profession to have meaning for her because she is a Virgo Mai”DEN” I”TAL”ian Psychocunt.
Through T"OM"ing with other people's names, in this gigantic Conspiracy to rob my FAC from 1981 and 1982, the meaning of my Name SIGNature on this drawing, and meaning of my Parents Names, my IDENTITY, to be SANDRA OH, and for My parents Idnetities to have meaning for WOLF and PECORARO.
John Kennedy died a few months after I was Wrongfully Arrested in NYC in APRIL 1999, because of Brett Bern, the sociopath Rapist who has a Rape Record, who “THEY” USED to have me wrongfully arrested, only because he had a nicer apt and made more money than me, and they “believed” him over me. This was SANDRA OH and connections to US Government, in RAPING MY LIFE. This Arrest was SET UP, Brett Bern is a Sociopath who was the one STALKING ME, and FUCKING AROUND MY LIFE.
JFK had also just started "GEORGE" Magazine, and the first issue was with Cindy Craw"FORD" on the cover dressed as George Washington, which is connected to MY KOREAN Name meaning, SIN WON sound of SHIN WON in the name and word of George Wa”SHIN”gtON.
WON, just 1. Because any and all “SARA” is connected to SANDRA OH, who thinks she is the Artist of my Artwork, “ND” of Neil Diamond from 1982, in NEIL and ASSSSK with a DIAMOND to Marry. Because with Mother MA”RIA” Psycho Pecoraro, “AIR” planes and SandRA OH going backwards would be Cat”HO”icking “OO” Form of Ass.
The Kennedy's have been wanting my FAC from 1981 and 1982, my Writings, and my first name Signature of "SANDY*" to be theirs for almost 3 decades. I wrote "KEY to my Soul" in 1982 and my name Signature as in my John HANCOCK is “SANDY” on MY ART in 1981, that they've rebuilt it to be about SANDRA OH, as if it's the “NIK” of her name, connected to a Black CO.LOR S”KIN” Nigger Pussy name “Y”vette “D”anielle MARQUIS, EAR sound Mar”KEY”, who I met in 2006, but who's secretly known My identity for 3 decades.
KEN ne “DY”. KEN is about HUB of the House is the K itchEN, NEK is MOK AGE in Korean, GA MOK is Jail or Prison in Korean. KEN “Q”UEST Building, Danielle MARQUon STUE...ART street in SF.
In May 2007, after I had just moved into 20360 Callon Drive Topanga, I saw MARIA SHRIVER walking with a big STRAW HAT wearing black leggings on OCEAN Ave near the Mother MARY Statue. She knew I was there and she knew who I was. She knew about the Card given to me during my LP 173 Training, the reason why they built a Heart ShapedFoundation around this statue. To have meaning for Connie Pecoaro's oil painting of Mother Mary MARIA and for this to be her ASS, a Heart Shaped Ass in a OIL BURNS for KEN “QUEST for FIRE” in Rich”ARD” is LARD in name of BERNARDO, as in “FAT HER” SHE YS Ass Pussy CHOCHAcolate Ass Cat”HO”Licking Games.