SEE TELE “VISION” with your EYES “OO”. T is a HE with a Hard on, what’s left? LEE H. Montgomery.
I did my FAC in 1982 and Wrote the Writings “Key to my Soul” about Lee Montgomery. It was in a Notebook, that I think was thrown out when my Parents moved out of their Jackson Heights NY Home. It was thrown out with the Olive Green JACKET that is hanging in the Beverly Hills Library as a piece of Abstract Art.
I’ve had this GOLD CLOCK for many years. It FOLDS into a 1 “O”. They’ve been building on my Writings of “KEY to my SOUL” and this Gold Clock for many years, it’s why in the last 10 years, there are so many new building towers with Clocks on them.
“G” is Old. If it’s about BEN and the Two “G”s Michael Jackson and Lee Montgomery, G is Old MJJ “58” but he died, so “61” Year of ONE” must be G is old.
I bought some DUNGENESS Crabs to cook, and because it was huge, I took a picture of it next to an "EGG", my apt KEYS just happen to be in the picture also. My father was a Cancer the Crab born in the Month of JUNE. Both Sandra Oh and Tom Cruise are Cancers born in the Month of JU LIE.
When I took these pictures in the late 90's they began renovating the Beverly Hills City Hall and the Library, with similar AZTEC Design of the "rug" on the floor and my first boyfriend Stephen's Sweater. They were building it based on my Writings from 1982 "KEY to my Soul". For My Identity, My Artwork, My First boyfriend Stephen Garrison and EVERYTHING about me to BE and have meaning for SANDRA OH, through a fag name Tom Bridges who has the same birthday as me of "8/13" but different year. "GU" in Korean means number "9" Year I was born, and it's also in the name Robert "GU"illaume, as in the BENSON drawing I did in 1982, the reason why Sandra Oh went to Sir ROBERT BORDEN High School, the same reason why she was on TV "GU"ide.
This Apt I lived in for several years on 407 East 87th Street Upper East Side was managed by KENT REALTY company, and I’m sure they have a record of my Leases from 1996-1998.
I had a PICTURE of my BICYCLE “OO” in front of my Fire Place in this apt which was STOLEN, as an isolated incident, as in someone WENT THROUGH the pictures to PICK THIS SPECIFIC ONE OUT and Take it. Like a Specific picture of me wearing PURPLE SHORTS was STOLEN individually.
All my Documents and Records like Leases, Financial Bank Records, Tax Records, ETC were All STOLEN from Public Storage in July 2008.
I have BLONDE HAIR white bitches following me all the time. They want my GOLD CLOCK to have meaning for Gold I LOCK of H”AIR”, because Jesus Christ JOSH WOLF is a “AIR” Libra. The reason why he’s a regular on Gold I Lock of Blonde Hair Chelsea Handler’s Show, who is from LIVINGSTON New Jersey. Livingston is a Clock Brand name. Disturbed Blonde gay bitches who have no creative juices of their own. They Follow and Stalk me wearing Specific COLOR CLOTHES, so that the COLORS in MY Specific WATERCOR ARTWORK can have meaning for them. It’s WANG’S ARTWORK, VIDEO RECORDING and MARKS.
ELLEN DEgeneris might be interested in them.
PAL in Korean is the Number 8 and the word for ARM. 8 can be written horizontally as in “OO”. They want the meaning of number EIGHT in KOREAN, the meaning of MY SIGN of GOLD metal of LEO connected to this GOLD CLOCK, MY First Name SIGNature of “Sandy*” on the drawing of ROBERT GUILLLAUME from 1982 with “OO”, all to have meaning for Jesus CHRIST “OO” Eyes is horny for FORM of ASS of MARia Pecoraro. ARM is Upper Body “OO” must be form of TITS for TITle of “CHA”rlies Find OIL Artwork. They built a huge ASS CONSPIRACY for “OO” to be about form of ASSS connected to my name SIGNature of “Sandy*” with an ASTERISK which is the number 8 Key.
It’s really the SIZE of LEE MONTGOMERY PENIS, 8 inches the SAME SIZE as MY MUSICIAN FATHER. And it’s for T “OO”, because when two people marry, there are TWO RINGS in the shape of “O”.
Tho”MAS CHRIST”opher Bridges CATHOLICK Jesus CHRIST of Connie Pecoraro’s OIL paintings with OIL Blubber Asses through MOUTHS in DENtistry with Mother Maria Virgo the Mai”DEN”, and 3ARs through “BLUE T”OOTH”. 924 0 Turn Bull of Gay Ass and Balls.
What is JOSH WOLF's SON JACOB WOLF's THAI female MOTHER's NAME? Is it TARA and is she a VIRGO like Constance Maria Pecoraro? Was their SON JA"COB" born in SWE"DISH" Hospital in Seattle Washington? The REASON why "DISH TV" was created. THESE QUESTIONS MUST BE ANSWERED, IT IS THE REASON FOR 2 DECADES OF HARDSHIP IN MY LIFE AND REASON FOR YEARS OF TERROR.
GOLD CLOCK on top of TV, OO, for meaning of My Name SIGNature of "SANDY" with "OO" made with the letter "S" of my first name on MY Pencil Drawing of ROBERT GUILLAUME that both JOSH WOLF and CONSTANCE PECORARO think has meaning for them, through their JESUS CHRIST OIL ARTWORK of "OO" CATHOLIC Theme in MATHemathics of making MONEY.
Connected to MY Writings of "KEY to MY SOUL" in 1982 about LEE MONTGOMERY. If KEY is PENSI, then LOCK must be Vagina.
REASON WHY IN 2009, MY "KEY" PAINTING, MY DOG JACK, was STOLEN through ORGANIZED CRIMES. The REASON why Constance Pecoraro moved to "707" Bridgeway in 2009. 407 87. 707, what's left? 48, for who? for what? for "OO" MUST BE FORM OF HANDCUFFS FOR CONSTANCE PECORARO AND JOSH WOLF WHO NEED TO BE LOCKED IN PRISON FOR LIFE. RAPISTS OF MY "LOCK AND KEY".
Summary in 2013.
407 E. 87.
48 or "400" Foothill road new addres of Mercedes BENz Service Center in 2008
MAP le Drive "407" see “LEAF” ()
SANDRA OH and GREEN “LEAF” around her “MOK AGE” GA MOK in Korean means Jail or Prison
Psycho Pecoraro's new address of "707" Bridgeway, what’s left? “400”
CeDARS “SIGN EYE” Hospital logo of “OO”, DIRECTLY connected to HOSPITAL Show “Grey’s Anatomy”
meaning o f over LAP PING Space “OO” = (l)
What is SANDRA OH's House Address? 704? = HOmelesS ASAP and then LIFE IN PRISON
Constance Pecoraro’s jesus CHRIST “CHA”RLIE’S FIND “OO”
Studi Study “O” PEPSI PUSSY “OO” SANDRA OH in 1999 and “GRAY SONS” connection to my childhood picture in 1979
Like everything else about MY IDENTITY, MY ART, MY LIFE, every important “ITEM” from MY LIFE, THEY BUILT IT, for MY GOLD C”LOCK” OO, to have meaning for SANDRA OH, through Constance Pecoraro’s Jesus CHRIST “CHA”rlies EYES of “OO”, the reason why SANDRA OH is Doctor “CHRIST”ina Yang on “Greys Anatomy”. See below link ROBERTSON ALDEN Corner and look for a GOLD “FIRE HYDRANT”. This is an extremely important CONCRETE EVIDENCE, connected to meaning of MY JOHN HAN”COCK”, as in my Name SIGNature of “SANDY” with OO made with letter S of my name, for my LEO sign metal of GOLD, to be “Bridged” by TOM BRIDGES who has the same LEO birthday as me, bridges Pea”COCK” is a BIRD, with My GOLD C”LOCK”.
This is the reason why CEDARS “SIGN” EYE logo symbol of “OO” is very important in ROBBING MY IDENTITY for SANDRA OH, meaning of MY Name SIGNature on MY ARTWORK, through HOSPITAL show “fictional” tv show, “GREYS ANATOMY”. It’s called IDENTITY THEFT, ART THEFT, Intellectual Property Theft. = LIFE IN PRISON.